Crazy Crazy

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Stiles smiled sweetly at Liam and decided now would be best if he drove the blue eyed beta crazy as well, "I can explain, Liam come with me." Stiles looked up at the boy who looked close to exploding.
Liam was beyond angry and was ready to attack Stiles, so he followed. They both walked around the corner of the school. Stiles placed his hand on Liam's shoulder and it sent waves of heat through the beta.

Liam pinned Stiles to the wall and let out an inhuman whine. The lips of both boys collided and they shared a passionate lust filled kiss which turned into a small make out session. Liam ran his hands up Stiles' sides and it sent waves of heat through the both of them.  That's when Stiles realized he too was having an issue like them. He decided to push away the feeling and pulled away from Liam, "Why-What's happening to us Stiles?" Liam looked up at Stiles with scared eyes. He was mostly confused but he was scared.

He looked over at Stiles who was looking down trying to keep his mouth shut before he ruined the plan, "I don't know but we'll find out later...Theo's with Derek." Stiles finally looked at Liam the beta just nodded. He was getting an odd feeling in his stomach and so the boy ran off. Not back to the pack, hell He didn't even run back to the school. He ran all the way to where he knew he could find the grey eyed chimera.

Stiles walked back to the pack only to be hit with confusion where's Liam?
"Have y'all seen Liam?" Stiles asked the whole pack, they shook their heads and got up walking away from the school,
"Where are you going?" Stiles asked looking at all his friends, "We don't think it's a good idea to stay here when we feel all weird like this we're gonna go to Derek." Corey stepped out from around Mason. He too felt oddly uncomfortable and hot.

The pack all got into their cars and drove off heading to the same destination, only to get there and be faced with a hectic Derek. "Deaton is on his way...Do. Not. Touch. Each. Other." The alpha growled at his pack. They just nodded and sat on the floor. Stiles didn't listen to what Derek said he had gotten off the floor and went for a glass of water. On the way he bumped into Isaac and Jackson. Both boys stood up immediately but Derek growled and the sat back down. Immediately groaning at the sensation they had to suppress.

"Stiles. Did. You. Touch. Them?" Derek asked growling at Stiles. He was returning from the kitchen mentally grinning at himself. Stiles walked over and placed a hand on the alphas shoulders. The alpha resisted the urge to shiver at the sudden shock of electricity mixing with a wave of heat. Derek closed his eyes, flaring his nostrils slightly "Take your hand off now." Derek sounded very demanding and it sent a huge wave of heat through Stiles.
Just then the Druid himself walked through the loft doors holding his bag of resources.

Deaton looked around at the pack before nodding over at the alpha. The Druid took each member of the pack, who wasn't human one by one. Asking each of them questions and running tests. Fortunately, by the end of it all he only had one conclusion. "Derek, your pack seems to be going through something that we call mating season." Deaton said rounding the corner to go into the living room.
Derek's head snapped up towards Deaton, this has to be somewhat impossible was the only thing the alpha thought.

"How? We aren't even full animal." Derek was so confused but he knew it was true. He felt it so strongly within himself. His body telling him he needs someone..but who? "It's possible. It usually happens when they all feel ready or by the hormones that float from a specific type of Fox. The only fox here is Kira and she's a lightning fox." Deaton looked around at the pack confusion rising from all over,
Someone in here is a fox.

Stiles felt odd he knew he should tell the pack now but...he can't. He's been hiding his scent for years, he knew the truth behind his history but the pack would hate him. Foxes like him don't get song with wolves. Getting lost in thought Stiles let his scent slip a little but quickly covered it up once he saw Issac starting to sniff. "Is it possible anyone else in here could be a supernatural?" Derek looked around at everyone, he himself was confused there's no way.

"It's possible actually uhm this type of fox is very rare..see, so you have different types of foxes. Kira here is just a lightening fox but whoever caused this is a fox with pretty much all powers. That does include the dark fox as well. However, depending on how the fox was raised or acts they won't hurt much and can actually be quite playful." Deaton looked up with a fond smile and the pack grew confused, why was he so smiley?
"What?" Derek looked at Deaton with squinted eyes. He wasn't going to take a chance with this whole thing.

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