Part 2: you already know whats going to happen

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Note: read this in the shrek is love shrek is life voice it makes the experience better and if you haven't seen shrek is love shrek is life go watch it

Farquad stood at the doorway, staring at Fiona. She stared back, fear in her eyes at the looming figure before her. She thought "how did he find me!? How did he come back? He was supposed to be dead!"

Explanation: so you see, in my universe lord farquad died but was then resurrected by his sheer hatred of Communist ideals

Fiona lay on the ground, terrified of what would happen, she passed out due to the sheer terror emitted from lord farquads looming body

When she came to, she discovered that she had been gagged and bound to the bed, he stood at the foot of the bed, revealing his massive 12 inch cock

That's where we are gonna leave off for now, you already know somethings gonna happen in the next chapter

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