A slight complication

Start from the beginning

The fifth time she touched my face I froze. It was as if my mind was going foggy and being suctioned. Then Edward gasped.

In the next half second Renesmee began bouncing up and down excitedly.

"When are we going mommy! When are we going to the island?" She squeeled.

I could feel my mouth ajar as I stared at my daughter. How did she find out we were going when I didn't even tell her?

I looked up at Edward suspiciously but he looked just as shocked as I was.

"Edward did she just?" I asked.

I hadn't even finished my sentence when he was nodding his head up and down. "She just read your mind."

My face contorted slightly to show the surprise and confusion that I was feeling. My daughter could read minds. What I didn't understand is why this gift didn't show up until just now.

As if I let Edward into my thoughts he went on about a theory. "The only plausable explaination I have for why we are just seeing this now instead of earlier like her other gift is because she didn't want to use it. We learned of her 'showing us her thoughts' because she wanted to communicate with us. Now we learned of her gift of being able to read peoples thoughts because she wanted an answer that you were hesitant about." he explained.

After a few seconds my mind finished with its moment of shock and was able to move on. Renesmee who was sitting patiently while we were having our small half-discussion slowly rose her hand towards me.

I moved her hand and placed it in her lap as I already knew what she wanted to know.

"In four days we will be going to the island." I told her before I took out my phone to call Charlie.

I waited patiently as it rang. On the second ring he answered.

"Bells." He greeted.

"Hi dad. I just called to ask you if you wanted to come and spend the next four days here at the house with us. You and Sue I mean. There is alot of room here so it won't be crowded. Plus Renesmee wants to see you."

Charlie didn't even have to be sold on the idea. He absolutely adored his granddaughter. Any second he could spend with her he would never turn down.

"Sure, sounds like fun. Have you three had lunch yet?" He asked.

I knew exactly where this conversation was going. The diner.

"Dad its not even noon yet." I responded.

There was a slight pause. Which I assumed was him checking his watch. "Oh er well how about brunch at the diner?" he decided to ask.

I knew this wasn't going to end in my favor so I might as well save my breath.

"Sure dad." I mused with him. "What time do you want to meet at the diner?"

There was a pause. "I never mentioned anything about the diner." He replied. I could hear the difference in his voice easily.

"Dad I know you very well. There is only one place you like to eat out at."

There was another long pause.

"30 minutes, we will meet you there." He finished. I heard Sue talking in the background about a leak in the sink that had gotten worse. "Bells-"

"I know dad, I'll see you later." I replied before we said our goodbyes.

When I placed my phone back in the pocket Renesmee grabbed onto my leg and looked up at me with wide puppy dog eyes.

"I'm hungry." She said in her tiny voice.

Twilight Breaking Dusk - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now