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Already starting off 2019 on a great note.

So yesterday my dad wanted me to go to a friend's New Year's Eve party... turns out there were other people in his neighborhood at the party. The kids were all hyper and annoying kids. I felt awkward since I didn't know anyone there except for the people who invited us. I got really bored really fast. I just stood around my mom and got bit by mosquitoes. At some point my dad makes me play soccer with him and my sisters and the friend who invited us... well I gave up on soccer 2 years ago and I didn't want to play. Then more and more kids started coming over to play and they were annoying. After a very long time, at least a half hour, we stopped playing, thank goodness. There were fire pits and marshmallows and stuff and so we made s'mores, which tasted fine until you stepped on a piece of marshmallow.

Fast forward through time, around 10:15 my dad says "y'all ready to go?" my sister "ava" was starting to get tired too and so we both said yes. So my dad gets ready to leave but then he gets sucked into the basketball game my other sisters and the friend are playing. My mom saw I was getting bored so we went on a walk around their neighborhood, and during this time I basically griped and she told me some gossip she heard from the party-goers. We got back after maybe another 15 minutes and my dad is still playing basketball! I was getting frustrated that we weren't leaving! I wanted to go home and wash the smell of smoke off of me. So I waited until 11:00 when we started to wrap up. It got to the point that I was visibly upset and stomping my feet like a child having a tantrum (which I basically was) and so we finally got in the car at 11:13. It was almost an hour after he originally said we would go home! And since it was less than 30 minutes away from the new year, I had to hurry and I couldn't wash my hair, and the smell of smoke bothered me so much. My sister had to spray some perfume in my hair so it didn't smell as bad. Also, I planned to post one more announcement asking for any final requests before I left, so I could see if anyone else had any more suggestions, but I forgot to send it out.

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