"Can you look after your siblings. You know what day it is." Lin said to her. Jade nodded.

"Yeah, go ahead. I've got everything under control here." She said to her mother. Lin exited the hospital and went straight to a bakery near the police station. When she got there she saw the regular cashier and ordered her usual on this day of the year.

"Hi. Can I please have a green creamed filled donut?" She asked. The cashier nodded and handed to donut to Lin.

"Here you go Chief. I'll see you next year?" The cashier asked.

"Like always." Lin said. Before Lin could leave she heard the cashier speak.

"Before you go," the cashier started. "I think you should know something." Lin turned around and waited for the cashier to tell her. "There's only two people who order a green creamed filled donut." Said the cashier. "You and," the cashier hesitated on what she was going to say next, but she thought it would be for the best. "Master Tenzin. He also honours her death by buying the same donut." Lin was shocked by what the cashier told her, but didn't let it show. She cleared her throat and put back on her tough face.

"So?" She asked.

"It's just that she would be twenty-five. Maybe you could celebrate together." She said.

"I don't think I could do that," Lin told her.

"Why not?" Asked a man behind her. Lin slowly turned around and was face to face with Tenzin. Lin looked down and avoided his sight. The cashier reached over and handed the donut to Tenzin. Tenzin grabbed the donut and gave the cashier her money. "Lin can we talk?" He asked her. Lin grabbed his wrist and dragged him outside with her. They went to Avatar Korra Park and sat down at a bench.

"Are you okay? I know how hard today is for you." Tenzin told her.

"I'm fine Tenzin!" Lin snapped.

"Lin," Tenzin said. "You don't need to keep your wall up around me today." He told her. Just then Lin started crying and hugged Tenzin tight. He wrapped his own arms around her. Lin cried into his cloak. Tenzin buried his head in Lin's hair. Her inhaled the scent of her hair. It smelled like lavender and green tea from her conditioner. It surprised him that after all these years Lin still used the same hair product. Tenzin pulled Lin closer to him and cried tears into her hair. He missed having Lin this close and holding her.

"I still remember the day she was born." Lin mumbled into his robes.

"So do I."

Lin was screaming at everyone and Toph was having trouble using her earth bending to hold together the hospital.

"I can't do it!" She cried to Tenzin.

"Lin just one more push, you can do it." Katara said to her.

"One more push my ***!" Yelled Lin. Tenzin mouthed an apology to his mother and went in front of Lin.

"Lin, look at me." He told her. Lin avoided his gaze. Tenzin knew what he had to do and it wasn't going to be nice. "Look it me!" He yelled at her. Lin looked at him with a scared look in her eyes. "You are Lin Bei Fong! You put that baby in there. You forgot to take your pill. You are at fault here and you are not going to be a baby about this!" He yelled at her. He got right in her face and spoke in a low quiet voice. "Get over yourself, and push, that baby, out." Tenzin got behind Lin, leaving her shaken.

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