Young Love || Cake Short Story

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Cake fluff, cake fluff, and more cake fluff.

I swear fetus cake is my new favorite thing.

Note: Luke's brain works differently then other kids his age, which is why his thoughts and feelings are more descriptive then Calum's.

Thanks for 1k on 'Outcast', Enjoy ;)


"No, no, no!! I sowwy batman! I no fight you no more! Me nice see? I not mean no more!! Nooo!" A four year old Calum grips his batman action figures in his chubby fists. His cheeks were flustered in concentration as he made his toys beat each other up. His mum, Joy, opens his bedroom door, and grins at the baby boy in front of her. She kneels down to his height, and ruffles his fluffy, dark hair. "Mommy!," He squeals when he sees her. He stands up, and squeezes his mother tight,making Joy's heart swell from happiness.

"Aww my Calum! You're such a sweet boy. Guess what Hun? My friend from work is coming over so we can hang out, and she brought her little son over!" Calum tries his best to understand what his mommy meant.

"Calum get...friend? ...he four?" He asks, holding up 6 fingers. Joy laughs and puts down the extra fingers.

"Yes, Calum. A friend. And he's still three, but his birthday is next week. In fact, he's in the living room waiting for you!"

"Yay!"Calum squeaks and, wiggles out of Joy's grasp. He walks-well wobbles-to the living room, only to find a short blond women that looks very different from his mommy. Hiding behind her legs, was a boy a bit taller then Calum. The boy walks out from behind his mum, and walks a bit closer towards Calum. Calum eyes widen when he finally sees all of the younger boy. He had blond hair like his mommy, and bright blue eyes, that Calum wish he had. The older baby feels his heart start to pound in his chest, and he doesn't know why. Joy appears behind him, and it's Calum's turn to hide behind his mum's legs.

"Liz, Luke, this is my son, Calum." Luke steps a little closer.

"H-hi...Calllum!" The sound of Luke's voice calms Calum down a bit, and he stops hiding.

"Ya. Me Calum. You...Luke?"

"Ya, me Luke. You...want play?"

"Your son is the cutuest, Joy." Liz whispers to Joy.

"Your son is too, I can already tell they're going to get on great."

"Me play. I play with Luke. Come to my room. Follow." Calum struggles to get the sentence out, but Luke understood perfectly.

"Mama...can me play with...Callllum?"

"Go ahead, baby." Liz reaches down to kiss the blond's tiny forehead, glad he's finally making friends. He's was such an awkward child, even at three years old. Calum watches the kiss in awe, wondering if he could do that to Luke.

"We play." They both waddle back to out of the living room leaving their mums to gossip about work drama. They make it to Calum's room, only falling a few times.

"What Luke wanna play? B-batman?!" Calum asks, excitingly, shutting his door behind them. Luke shrugs, looking bored.

"Me no like Batman." Calum's eyes widen in shock. Luke doesn't like batman?! How odd. But knowing Luke didn't like it, Made Calum not like it either.

"Ya. Batman not good." They both sit on the floor next to eachother, thinking adorably. Well, Calum was thinking. The blue eyed baby stared at Calum's thinking face, and the way his black eyebrows furrowed together in thought. His red lips were pouted slightly. It was not unusual to find Luke being this observant, and rather mature for his age; that's just who he was.

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