"Omg, I never knew that!", my eyes looked up from the phone. I mentally groaned while seeing Tzuyu walking side by side with Mina. That girl knows how to irk me.

As they were walking towards my way, I noticed Tzuyu wasn't paying any attention in front of her. Mina on the other hand was looking directly at me. I felt frozen in place, and for some odd reason, I really wish she would just run into my arms while screaming my name. That'd be nice.

"Hey cousin!", Tzuyu finally looked in my direction, again with a smirk on her face. I smiled, but deep down it was more like a shut up and get into the car kind of smile. Surprisingly, she might've actually interpreted it that way, cause she quickly went by me and got into the front passenger seat. Seeing her move fast like that accidentally made me laugh. 

"Morning, C-chaeyoung", Mina came up to me. Instantly my heart started beating fast, it was out of control. Breathe, breathe. 

"Morning, Mina", she smiled and I did the same. "In you go my lady", I opened the car door behind me and moved to the side, allowing her to get in. When she got in, I followed right behind her and closed the door behind me.

"Everyone strapped in?", Dahyun looked to everyone. 

"Ne", we all replied. Dahyun nodded then started up the engine.

I glanced to the left, eyeing the beautiful girl who was sitting next to me. It seems she's captivated by what's outside the window. Cute.


We arrived at our destination. I checked my phone, looking to see if Nayeon-unnie texted me. But she didn't...which was a good sign. "Tzuyu", I showed her my phone as we got out the car. "Unnie didn't text back. You go ahead inside, but just be careful of you know who", we looked at eachother and nodded.

"Alright", Tzuyu started heading to the street. "Wait....", suddenly she stopped and looked back at me, "Do you want chocolate or strawberry?". I bit my lip. How can she forget that I like strawberry! 

I quickly glanced both ways, making sure Mina wasn't paying attention, nor Dahyun. Thankfully they were too busy talking to eachother at the bench. I looked back to Tzuyu and mouthed strawberry. She squinted her eyes, but eventually she understood and gave me the okay sign. Sometimes I feel like she's an old man. Kids like her shouldn't be having bad memory at such a young age.

I put my hands into my pockets while walking to where Mina and Dahyun were. "Oh yea, Gangnam has alot of food places! I can take you wherever you'd like Miss Myoui!", Dahyun beamed brightly, as she always does whenever food is the topic. That girl really needs to find a partner who loves food just as much as she does. 

I sat down on the bench next to Mina while she continued talking to Dahyun. Honestly, I'm a bit jealous that she's talking to Dahyun with such a cute smile on her face. Man...am I whipped or what? My head leaned back, making me to face up to the sky. It's a nice day today...too nice to be wasted.

"Chaeyoung", Dahyun's voice called out. I hummed, answering to her call. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be back". From the corner of my eye I saw her stand up and leave out of sight. Great, it's me and Mina now.

Though Dahyun did leave, Mina wasn't actually saying anything. I sighed while lifting up my head to face Mina. "Nice day today isn't it?", my arms stretched out on the bench. I could see she was watching my every movement, and somehow I found that really cute.

"Yea, it is", she looked up to the sky with a smile. My eyes focused on her, as if she was god herself. "It would be a nice day to go on a picnic", her eyes suddenly looked away from the sky and locked onto me.

I coughed, "R-right...it would be". Damn that caught me off guard.

A smile appeared on her face, "How about it?". Those eyes pulled me in, giving me no other option than to accept her proposal. 

"A-ah...okay", I tried to smile but couldn't. I'm not one for picnics. "W-wait...how about dinner? I know a good... wait scratch that, I mean a great restaurant", her eyes scanned me. I'm well aware she offered to do a picnic, but please lady, anything but picnics.

"Hmm...that'll work too", Mina laughed. That laugh of hers made me laugh as well, but then I accidentally moved my hand, causing it to land on her shoulder. I gulped as I felt her body tense just because of that. I faced my head the other way as I quickly moved my hand off her. "S-sorry".

"N-no... it's fine", suddenly there was a warm feeling on my hand. I quickly turned to look down at it, seeing that her hand was now on top of mines. I bit my lip and slowly looked up at her.

"Mina...", her eyes were looking down at my lips. The blood rushed to my face as I saw how seductively she was looking at me. I can't hold it in anymore...

I reached my other hand to her chin, pulling our faces closer. My sudden action made her flustered, causing her eyes to widen. That didn't stop her from gripping onto my hand tightly. Without hesitation, I allowed our lips to collide. The soft feel of her lips simply sent me through the roof. The smell of her shampoo whipped me in the face. As we kept kissing, I eventually felt her tongue enter my mouth. Her warmth, her lips, it all made me feel dizzy. It was like an addiction, that I never want to be cured of.

Mina pulled away to catch her breath. She was breathing heavy with every breath she took. I licked my lips as I seen her face was fully red. 

"Chaeyoung", she said while catching her breath. I hummed. "I want you to h--", she was interrupted by a loud voice. And that was none other than...

"I got the ice cream!! But why is Jeongyeon-unni chasing me!", Tzuyu screamed as she ran across the street, heading our way. I mentally groaned.

Mina looked down at our hands and quickly removed it away from mines. I'll admit that stung a little...but it's fine.

"Tzuyu! Why are you stealing ice cream again!", Jeongyeon-unni was chasing my poor little cousin, and surprisingly she was just as fast too.

"Yaaaah! I'm not stealing ice cream! Chaeyoung said Nayeon-unni left it for us to eat!", Tzuyu finally reached to Mina and I, though she was panting out of breath.

"What the!? Why didn't I hear about it?", Jeongyeon caught up to Tzu and grabbed her shoulder, making Tzuyu to be stiffened by fear. "Damn you run fast...", she took a deep breath while catching her breath. "Ah! Chaeyoung? Long time no see!". A smile appeared on her face.

"U-unni...hey!", I awkwardly smiled. This is not what I expected.  


*wipes sweat* Happy New Year of 2019! I've decided to write a long one...but don't expect this to be a common thing lmfao! Joking, who knows! Right?


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