''Oh Sir, he is better. They said we got him here in time and that he should wake in a few hours.''

''That's good. Please keep watch over him. Mike is to upset right now to come there plus we are meeting with Yang and his family'' he said

''Yes Sir, We will let Mr.Han know if anything happens'' Lay said hanging up then hands the phone back.

''How is Mike?'' Bii said stepping forward.

''The Young Master...I fear to say isn't listing to anyone at the moment'' Mr.Han sighed a bit ''It's as if all he sees right now is red and all he wants to do it hurt the Yang kid.''

''Then get me out of here so I can go see him'' a voice said from behind Lay and Bii.

When they turned they saw Krist sitting up and moving to get off the bed. Both Lay and Bii moved to help him up.

''But Master Krist you have just got treated and have just woken up. You should stay till you are fully better'' Mr.Han said.

''Do you want Mike to go all Demon and kill someone or do you want me to go and try to calm him down?'' he asked reaching for his clothes.

Mr.Han hung his head ''If you think you can then please by all means do so. I will call a doctor to be on stand by at the house just in case.'' He left the room and started to make a few calls.

''Krist, he is right you just fought off death, you need to rest'' Bii said.

''And if I do Mike wont stop at anything to try and kill Yang'' he said putting his shirt on ''If I can stop him from doing that much at lest then its worth it.''

Lay walked over and helped him put his shoes on. Krist was right, even though he needs rest to Krist the most impotent one was Mike and he was the only one that could stop the Demon from killing. Once they where done Lay helped walk Krist out to the car Mr.Han had ready.

On the way back to the house Krist looked out the window not saying a word. Lay and Bii looked at each other then at him. Was he really going to be able to get Mike to calm down?

Mike, Fang & Wen were standing round Mr.Lin's chair when Yang and his father, Mr.Won, showed up. Fang was on the left side of Mike and Wen was on the right both of them holding onto Mike who was trying his best not to walk over and kill Yang.

"Please have a seat Mr.Won'' Mr.Lin said holding a hand out to a chair in front of him.

''Thank you for having us over, Mr.Lin'' he said as he sat down with Yang standing behind him.

''Let's just straight to the point'' he said.

''Look what my son did was uncalled for but in truth I don't see how that kid has anything to do you with and why you are taking care of it for him. I should be talking to his family'' Mr.Won said with a smirk.

Mike leans forward ''The hell did you say? You just want to talk to his family to give them hush money'' he said with anger.

''Mike stop'' his father held up his hand ''Look your son didn't just drug Krist. That boy is now in the hospital getting treatment as we speak.'' He looked Yang dead in the eyes ''The drug you gave him started to make his heart fail.''

The color in Yang's face drained and he stumbled back a bit then looked at his father.

''As for why we are taking care of it is simple. Krist is with my son, there for any problems they have is mine as well'' Mr.Lin stood with some papers in his hand then dropped them on the table in front of Mr.Won ''If you don't want this matter to be let out that your son almost killed someone sign those.''

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