Chapter Two

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After everything that happened Friday, Krist and his friends were happy they were able to spend the weekend free of the Demon and his minions, But Monday was a whole new day. Krist was talking with Bii and Lay as they just walked through the gate when they heard a voice behind them. Shivers went down both Bii and Krist spin.

''Little Princesses Wifey'' a voice whispered in Krist ear. Shit, he came up with a new nickname for him again.

Fang wrapped his arms around Bii's waist in a teasing manner. Wen stood next to Lay and gave a small wave and Lay nodded to him. Was this going to be an everyday thing now?

Yang was on the top floor in the student council room looking out the window with his arms crossed. He was known as The White Angel of the school due to his kind nature. When he saw Krist and his friends being teased by The Demon Prince, anger started to fill him.

''What is going on there?'' he asked his friend Taka and Yin who were standing next to him.

''Krist bumped into and knocked down Mike last Monday and since then he has been getting teased by that Demon'' Taka said.

''It seems like the Demon and his minions found new toys'' Yin said.

Yang growled low as he turned and walked away. Yang had been watching Krist since he came to this school two years ago and was in love with him even though they never spoke before. Seeing the one he loved being teased made him unable to stand it any longer.

Mike was teasing Krist as they all made their way into the school when he bumped his head into Yang's chest. When he looked up Yang smiled at him.

''I'm sorry'' Krist said.

''It's all right I know you didn't mean to'' Yang rubbed Krist head and smiled more then looked at Mike ''Teasing someone again I see, Demon.''

''None of your business, Pres.'' Mike stepped in front of Krist staring at Yang.

After what seemed like a long time Mike grabbed Krist wrist and pulled him along with the others following. Yang and his friends stood there watching.

''I will take him away from that damn Demon'' he said as he headed to class.

At lunch Krist was forced to sit next to Mike who was staring at him more than eating, while Fang was trying to feed Bii and Wen was sitting across from Lay who was reading as well as eating at the same time. Mike was teasing Krist and playing with his hair when Yin and Taka of the student council showed up.

''Krist, the student council President would like to see you and your friends right away'' Taka said with a straight face and arms crossed.

The moment they started to stand up so did Mike and the others but Yin held his hand in front of him and smirked.

''Sorry, but the Pres only wants Krist and his friends Lay and Bii. No Demons allowed'' he said.

''What the hell does the damn Pres want with the little Princess?'' Mike asked.

''That is for the Pres to explain to him, not you'' Taka snapped pulling both Bii and Krist while Yin got Lay. They escorted them away to the student council room on the top floor.

Yin and Taka opened the doors to let them in. Once Krist walked in he looked around then spotted Yang, who was leaning against the window sail looking out the window. Taka and Yin lead the other two to sit on the couch and offer them something to eat and drink.

''Do you know what I can't stand?'' Yang asked not even budging one bit.

''I'm sorry, no'' Krist answered.

''People who think they can do as they please to make others' lives hell'' he let out a sigh and moved to his desk then smiled at him.

''Sit. Don't worry those three won't bother you here. In fact unless you are on the student council or invited in here no one is allowed in'' he sat down and crossed his legs.

''Can I ask why we are here to start with'' Krist wondered.

''As student council President I couldn't just stand by and watch a few school mates being bullied or teased by that Demon'' he leaned on his desk looking at Krist ''So I came up with an idea that may keep you away from him and in doing so he will get tired and finally leave you three alone.''

''And just what would you have in mind that will keep the Demon away?'' Bii asked walking over.

''You three will be helping us with earners and such as helping us get things ready for the school festival'' Taka said, moving behind Yang.

''So you want us to be your servants as well'' Lay spoke up in a soft tone as he sat back sipping a cup of tea.

''No, we are simply asking and offering you a way to get away from them'' Yin said sitting on the couch cross from Lay.

Krist sat there a moment thinking. This was a way to get away from the Demon. It could work. Bii watched Krist as he thought it over. He grabbed up Bii and Lay then asked them what they thought. Finally Krist turned and looked at him.

''Ok, we will do it, if you think it will work'' he said.

Yang smiled and walked over to them and held his hand out ''Great welcome to the student council''

Krist smiled and shook his hand softly. He hoped this would work.

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