"Thanks Sav. Really, thank you but there's no point going over things that wouldn't work. I'm just going to stick to my end of the bargain and once I pop your niece or nephew out, I'm gone." I said and then it dawned on me. I'll have to leave them all, I won't be leaving just Ian but his entire family members...at least for some time. This deal is really bad for me!.

     "Never say Never. Let's not talk about stories that burn. So Royalty, when is Roland coming back?, is it until you're walking the streets with a huge belly?" Vannah said and Royalty rolled her eyes before smiling, her smile encompassed every single feeling a woman who's so in love would feel.

     "He's coming back NEXT WEEK!!. I am so freaking excited, I keep counting the days and I don't know but it's just so slow." She said and we snickered.

     "Please!. The days are not slow, they are definitely flying too fast, I can't believe I'm resuming school in 2 months, I can't help but wish the days would keep crawling by" Vannah said and we laughed.

    "Oh shut up. That reminds me, I kinda broke his favourite armchair so we need to go shopping cause he's going to decapitate me when he comes back and realizes his chair is gone. I know he's going to detect that it's a new one but I would have provided another for him so he wouldn't get so mad" Royalty said and we laughed, then it dawned on me like a bomb!

    "Oh my God!, I'll be invading your privacy!" I yelled aloud, it wasn't my intention to yell loudly but I just couldn't help it.

     "Gosh No!. Come on Snow, Roland will be glad to have you here" She said but I shook my head. I definitely need to move out.

     "No Royalty, you don't understand. It will be soo weird staying with you guys because I might just walk in on you guys at a bad moment and what if you guys are like having a cozy movie night, I'll have to stay away because it would be so weird sitting down with you guys and a whole lot of other cute things that couples do together. I can't do that, I need to move out" I said and Vannah burst out laughing.

     "Well, that will be weird seeing as they do a lot of cute things together" Vannah said and that earned her a kick from Royalty.

     "Oh shut up Savvy!. Snow, really it's okay. You can stay with you, you're getting married soon are you not?, it's just going to be a matter of time" She said and I shook my head.

     "The Queen and I have spoken, the wedding is in a month Royalty. A month is way too long. I'll just find a nice apartment, I'm rich now. One of the positives of the deal" I said with a small smile.

    "Or you could stay with us at the Palace" Vannah said and I knew that was a definite no. That just didn't sound right.

     "Nope, That's too weird. Word just got out about Ian and I, it will be so gold-digger ish to hear that I've moved to the palace. I'll find a nice apartment to..."

     "No!. You don't have to find an apartment, I have a small apartment very close to the office, I bought it before I got married, you can stay there pending the time you become Mrs Northridge." Royalty cut me off and I wanted to decline cause she was doing me way too much favour already but I know she wouldn't agree so I settled for a more negotiable offer.

     "Then I'll pay rent. Please Royalty, do not object. You're going to make me feel forever indebted to you so please just let me pay rent." I said and she stared at me for a while before sighing.

     "Fine. You get to pay rent. 10 dollars" She said and I laughed out loud. That's like me not paying anything.

      "What a joke. Since you're going to keep on acting like this, I'll decide what to pay. So can I please have the moving company's number?."

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