12 Days of Xmas: Day 11- Fraxus

Start from the beginning

Freed frowned. "You sure it's just the cold? Is you're chest congested again? Is your mouth bloody?"

"I'm fine."


"I'll live."

Freed glared and Laxus shrugged, the second part wasn't a lie, hopefully.

Freed's uncovered eye continued to bore into him, it was unnerving. Laxus felt his limbs stiffen as he waited to turn to stone, but Freed wasn't Evergreen, his eyes didn't turn people to stone. Even if they did he'd never use it against Laxus. Freed was much too loyal for his own good, it was the only fault he had, besides that giant stick he kept wedged up his ass.

"I'll go make some soup, make yourself useful and get the Christmas ornaments down from the attic." Freed turned and walked away, his green ponytail swishing behind him. He didn't even spare Laxus a glance.

Okay, Laxus' original count of Freed's faults was off. Bossy, obviously needed to be added to the list. Still Laxus could only count the flaws on one hand, overly loyal, stuck up, and bossy.

However, with Freed's strength, even if he was an octopus mutation he wouldn't have enough hands. Strong, smart, perceptive, calm, collected, dedicated, determined- the word 'bull-headed' also came to mind.

So did gorgeous, and Laxus thoughts took an even warmer turn, remembering what a 'nice ass' Freed had. Laxus had admired it many times, but he'd never been caught, if he did he would probably die on the spot.

'Nice ass, nice ass, nice ass.' The thought swirled around in his brain, as if one of Bixlow's dolls was chanting it in his ear.

Laxus shook his head, and made his way to do as Freed asked. He grabbed the cord hanging from the ceiling, yanking it down and revealing the folding staircase. He trudged up the wooden steps, and coughed as he shouldered his way through the tiny hole in the ceiling.

Laxus lifted his foot off the top step and slowly lowered it onto the attic floor. He knew he was a big guy, and the last thing he wanted was to fall through. Freed would probably have a cow, Laxus chuckled to himself, then went off to find the ornaments.

The attic was cluttered with plastic storage containers and cardboard boxes. It was also very cramped, Laxus had to stoop down to avoid bonking his head. He made his way through the attic, avoiding crushing boxes with his "giant man feet" as Evergreen called them.

Dust wafted through the air, visible thanks to the attic's warm lighting. Laxus buried his nose in the crook of his arm and tried his best to fight down the cough turning in his throat.

Laxus must've been taking forever because Freed's cowlicks poked out the entrance hole, followed by his head. His face was pinched and in his hands was a bowl of steaming soup, it was enough to make Laxus's stomach grumble.

Freed looked at Laxus, and his empty hands. "Having trouble?"

"You didn't specify where the ornaments were, and I'm still looking."

Freed sighed, shaking his head at what a useless man baby he'd been saddled with. Freed picked his way through the attic, then rested his hand atop a plastic tub filled to the brim with ornaments and wrapping paper. "You were saying?"

"That's not fair, you knew where they were." Laxus protested as he made his way over to the box of ornaments, ready to play pack mule and bring them downstairs.

But before he could grab it, the box disappeared in a cloud of purple runes. Laxus turned to glare at Freed. "If you could just do that then why did you send me up here?"

"To keep you occupied." Freed placed the warm bowl of soup in Laxus' hands. "You refuse to rest so I might as well give you something to do that wouldn't strain you."

Laxus' brows shot up. "Wouldn't strain me? I'm pretty sure the dust up here is gonna send me to an early grave."

Freed rolled his eyes, and started to fix Laxus' attire, folding down his collar and buttoning the buttons on his rolled up sleeves. "Someone's feeling dramatic today."

"You guys are dramatic all the time, it's only fair I get to be a bit dramatic every once and awhile." Laxus huffed and Freed chuckled, ruffling his hair.

"I think you've earned some drama time. Now eat your soup."

"Yes, mother."

Freed didn't even flinch at the tease, having heard it one to many times to be affected. "If I'm your mother then do what I say and eat your soup."

Laxus knew not to poke the 'mama bear' he did as told and obediently started to eat his soup. Freed watched all the while, as if Laxus spooning into his mouth was the most interesting thing he'd seen all day.

Laxus and the Rajinshuu might make fun of Freed for being bossy and acting like their mother, but there was no one else Laxus wanted watching his back. Freed was the one person in the world that had his complete trust, and Laxus knew listening to what Freed said was in his best interests.

He looked down at the almost empty bowl of soup in his hands, the knot in his chest loosened from the warm liquid he'd consumed.

Freed was right, the soup did help. Looks like the saying was true, "Mothers know best."

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