"Honhonhon~ Well when you put it that way mon Cher. How can I refuse?~" he asked as a small smile graced his lips.

        "You can't. ~" she replied kissing his lips and pulling away as his hand went to caress her cheek." but you have to tell me what's really wrong first~" she stated removing his hand from her cheek.

        "I can't hide anything from you can I?" he asked with a groan moving to lay flat on his back looking up at the sky.

        "Non~ but you knew that." she replied sitting up on her elbow so she could look him in the eye." Now please tell me. I hate seeing you so tense."

        "Honhon~ well mon cher if you hate it so much~” he said with a smirk as he moved to hover over her. “I know one way you could loosen me up~" he said as he began to kiss down her neck.

        “Francis." she stated though from her expression and firm tone it was clearly a command.

        "I know. I know. Stop." he said with a pout as he moved back to lay beside her propped up on his elbow and supporting his head with his hand as he looked down at her.

        "Tell me." she said not losing her firm tone as his blue orbs met her own (eye color) irises.

        "Alright, if you insist" he said looking away from her moving his other hand to her short pixie cut hair "I'm sick of hiding" he said moving a small piece of her hair through his fingers staring at it. "I want to be able to tell the world I love you. So you and I can be together like this all the time. It's not fair I have to keep my distance from you all the time. I want you to myself  just you and me. The two of us together." he said moving his gaze back to her.

        "N-non y-you know I can't. T-this is my mission. My calling. I can't abandon it for personal pleasure." she said not meeting his gaze "even if I want to."

        "I know" he said sadly kissing her forehead. "I just want you to be safe. Your always in danger out here. I know you don't care, but the church is angry that you’re doing this (your name). They call you a cross dressing blasphemer. They say you'll burn if you don’t change your ways and stop telling people you’ve heard voices and I- I…. Mon cher please just be careful. I can’t lose you. You’re far too important to me." he said starting to get upset at just the mere though of his beloved no longer being there beside him. Tears beginning to form in his eyes but quickly forgotten as (your name) pressed her finger to his lips.

        "Mon Cher please don't cry. You know me, I'll be ok. As long as your there I know everything will be fine" she said with a smile. "Besides you know it'll take a lot more than words to bring me down. I'm tougher than I look."

        "I know" he said with a small smile. "but what about when I’m not here to protect you?” he asked looking into her eyes begging for some kind of solace.

        “Then I’ll do whatever it takes to find my way back to you.” she said kissing his lips. “But I can still take care of myself you know. After all I do believe I’ve beaten you in every fencing match we’ve ever had~”

        “Oui you have.” He said with a smile “but still. I’m not the Catholic Church…..I know you won’t but I still wish you would just go back to living on a farm. So at least I’d know you’d be safe. "

        "I know but you know I couldn't go back to wearing dresses even if I tried. Do you have any idea how uncomfortable and heavy those things you make us women wear are? "she asked with a disgusted expression.

        "I know I know" he said with a chuckles "you've told me a few times mon Cheri, but I don't mind you wearing these cloths. I actually like them on you. They just seem more fitting ~" he said with his signature smirk.

        "....pervert" she said blushing darkly.

        "Honhon I can not help what I am mon Cheri~" he said kissing her lips causing her blush to darken.

        "Francis." she said  her cheek a dark red.

        "Oui?" he asked with a smirk.

        "You’re such a fool" she said pushing him off her and standing up.

        "Ah! Mon cher Your words wound me so!" he said clutching his heart with a playful smile.

        “It's your own fault you know" she said looking at him with a smile.

        "Oui, I do but I also know what can make me feel better~ " he said with a smirk as he began to stand up.

        "F-Francis d-don't you dare!" she said walking back slowly before taking off at full sprint followed closely by  said Frenchman.

"Aw come now mon Cher don't run~ You know I will catch you eventually~ " he teased as he chased her.

"Non, you won't! Not this time!" she yelled back a smile plastered to her face as she a continued to run.

"Oui, I will. ~" he said as he scooped her up bridal style and held her close. "What was that about not catching you? ~" he asked as he nuzzled into her neck causing said captive to squirm as she tried to push him away.

"Francis don't you dare!" she said trying not to laugh as she continued to struggle.

"You know you love it~ " he said with smirk as he continued to nuzzle into her neck causing her to laugh.

"N-non Francis p-please! H-haha "she said covering her mouth trying not laugh.

"That's not fair" he said with pout as he began tickle her sides making the girl in his arms squirm once more in her attempt to get away.

"Just let me hear you say it and I'll stop~ " he said in a sing song voice as he continued to tickle her.

"A-alright A-alright! I love you!” she squeaked still trying to push him away.

"Just what I wanted to hear" he said nuzzling her neck again.

"F-Francis please" she said pushing him away from her neck.

"Alright" he said pulling away and kissing her forehead holding her close as she rested her head upon his chest.

“I love you Francis.” She said with a smile.

“And I you (your name)” he said kissing her lips sweetly as time just seemed to stand still. Neither of the two could have told you how much time had passed they were so involved with each other that they failed to acknowledge the sound of hoofs coming their way.

"My, my, what have we here?" asked a man with a very evident British accent. The two pulled away almost immediately and stared at the source of the voice with wide eyes. “I’m sorry if I’m interrupting something though I obviously am. I fear (your name) will have to accompany me immediately”

“Non! I won’t let you take her!” protested Francis reaching for his sword only to find it was not by his side as it always was. “ Wha?!”

“You left it at camp mon cher.” Replied (your name) with a sad smile.

“N-non! I won’t let him take you from me!” exclaimed Francis.

“You don’t have a choice.” replied Arthur holding his sword at Francis’ throat. “Now step aside.

“Please! Angleterre d-don’t do this! Take me instead I beg you!” he cried looking pleadingly into the emerald green of his younger brother eyes.

“The Queen doesn’t want you she wants her. I’m sorry but there’s nothing I can do.” he said not meeting his eyes removing his sword from his brother’s neck. “Seize her.”

“N-non!” he cried stealing a sword from the sheath of one of the knights who had accompanied Arthur “I’ll take you all on!"

“Foolish old man.” muttered Arthur as he brought the hilt of his sword down on the back of Francis’ head causing him to fall to the ground unconscious. “Let us be on our way” stated Arthur as he turned his horse back to the road.

“Yes sir!” replied the other knights as they threw the now bound (your name) onto the front of one of their saddles. And just like that she was taken from him. His beloved ripped from him in a matter of moments.

Joan of Arc ( reader) X France::  Memories of youWhere stories live. Discover now