Chapter Four: A hair clip

Start from the beginning

“And what’s that supposed to mean?”

“I know you don’t like me back that way.”

“Now why would you say that? Of course I like you back. If I didn’t, would I do this?” He kissed you yet again, and you wanted to practically melt into his arms, but you held your ground. This time, before you had the chance to kiss him back, you pushed him away.

“Look, I know what you’re like. You look for girls’ bodies and not what their like. If we were to even get together, you would have to understand that I’m not doing anything like that.”

He blinked, and then chuckled lightly. “Oh, _______, of course I won’t.” He sounded truthful, but you were still skeptical. He must have realized it, because he said, “I’m telling you the truth, I would never do that to you unless it’s what you wanted.” He said it seriously and there wasn’t a bit of joking in his voice, yet you still didn’t know if you believed him or not. If it was something he was really passionate about, he usually took it a bit too far. And you were a little worried about that leading to something you didn’t want.

Sighing, you said, “All right. I believe you.”

At that, he smiled and said, “Good, cause right now, I think you owe me a kiss for being so stubborn.”

“Excuse me?” You raised an eyebrow at him, but when he kissed you again, you kissed back. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he wrapped his around your waist, deepening the kiss. You didn’t know why, but it just felt…right to be in his arms. You were still kissing when the door opened.

“Oi! Hat and Clogs! How could you take advantage of her like that?!” Ichigo exclaimed, but he was trying to hold back his laughter. You pulled back and sent a glare at him.

“Ichigo…” You started warningly, but Kisuke stood, pulling you up with him.

“Now Ichigo, it’s not like you don’t take advantage of girls when they’re most vulnerable around you,” He said, an evil grin on his face.

“W-What?!” Ichigo had stopped laughing and was glaring at Kisuke. “I do not!” His face was red from anger, or was that embarrassment?

“Sure, then what happened with you and Orihime that time?”

“E-Eh?!” Ichigo’s face became extremely red, and this time it was from embarrassment.

The two of you laughing, Kisuke led you over to the circle, where he pulled you down into his lap. He wrapped his arms around you and you leaned your head against his chest as the next person went. It was Momo. She pulled out some random item and it turned out that she got Aizen. Damn. If he did anything, he’d have to answer to Captain Hitsugaya. Or maybe not, as the young captain grabbed Momo and pulled her behind him.

“Get anywhere near her and I’ll kill you,” He growled.

“Now, now, Hitsugaya, it’s the rules that the person who plays and the person who’s chosen must be in the closet for seven minutes,” Aizen said, smirking. “Come now, Hinamori.” He got up and walked into the closet. Momo looked a little scared, yet she did walk to the closet, but not before Hitsugaya whispered something into her ear. Probably to be careful or something. Their minutes passed slowly, as you were all waiting to hear if they were doing anything.

When Rangiku opened the door, you all saw that Aizen was kissing Momo, and Captain Hitsugaya was furious. As soon as Aizen pulled away from her, Momo almost ran out of the closet. Literally. She went over to Hitsugaya, who made sure to keep her away from Aizen. It was known that the two of them were going out, and Hitsugaya was very protective of her. They sat down on the couch, away from the circle.

Aizen sat down in his seat next to Ichimaru, and the game continued.

***Several turns of Seven Minutes in Heaven pass***

It was Rangiku’s turn, and she drew some random object out of the hat. She snickered and exclaimed drunkenly, “Taichou!!!!!!! I gota you!” She waved the object around and was smiling. She was extremely drunk.

Captain Hitsugaya groaned and muttered, “Why didn’t I say no to this thing?” He got up, and walked towards the closet. Obviously he was going too slow, so Rangiku grabbed his arm and dragged him into the closet. For the next seven minutes, you heard nothing except for Rangiku giggling and her captain yelling at her to the shut up.

When Ichigo opened the door, he found that Rangiku was sitting there giggling, while Hitsugaya was standing by the door, obviously waiting for the door to be opened. As soon as it was, he walked out and back over to the couch, where Momo was smiling to him.

Meanwhile, during all this, you and Kisuke had stayed silent. Your eyes were starting to droop and you felt real tired. You were more relaxed than you had ever been and it would be quite easy for you to go to sleep.

Kisuke must have noticed as your eyelids lowered slightly, but you kept them open, as he said jokingly, "Wow, you're worn out after only a few kisses. Wonder how you'll be in bed...."

"Kisuke!!" You said, blushing a little at the thought. He laughed and you joined in.

"I know you'd be much more better than."

"Oh? And how do you know that?"

"Because if you're good on the battle field, you're good anywhere." His seductive voice made you shiver slightly, but not in a bad way.

"Is that so? Well, maybe we'll find out in a month or so, if we ever do that."

"What do you mean 'if'? I think you mean 'when'." He put his head on your shoulder and it was then that you realized he wasn't wearing his hat. It was actually on your head.

"Sure," You said, your eyes wanting nothing more to close on you.

"If you're so tired, then take a nap."

"Right, and let you do whatever you want to me. I'm gonna do that all right."

He rolled his eyes and said, "I told you I wasn't going to do that, ___________."

"Fine. I'll get a nap done and over with." You rested your head comfortably against his chest and your eyelids finally got what they wanted. They fell and you drifted off into a deep sleep, but not before hearing a small whisper.

"I love you."

"I love you, too," You mumbled as you entered the world of sleep.

Matsumoto's Party (Bleach Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now