13 - It came in the morning by owl

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I go to The Three Broomsticks with Hermione for a Butterbeer and we talk about everything and nothing. Ginny joins us after a while and as it gets later, we decide to head back, since we don't want to miss our train.

I push all the gifts in my suitcase, which really is a struggle, and we head to the train station. It is packed. I thought that most kids would've left last night, but it's still a struggle to find an empty compartment. I sit with Hermione, Ginny and Luna, who goes back to her dad for the holidays as well. I give her the sweets I bought weeks ago in Hogsmeade. Inever got around to giving them. Luckily magical sweets don't really have an expiration date.

"I've also got you something", she says and looks through her back. "I almost forgot about it."

She takes out a little purple poach and hands it to me. "Thank you", I say and open it.

It's a necklace, an odd yet beautiful one. The cord, coloured Ravenclaw blue, is lined with little gold beads, and it has a cork hanging from it, embellished with more gold swirls and beads.

"To keep away the Nargles", I whisper as I remember that Luna has the same one. I asked her about it and she told me it kept away Nargles. I still don't know what those are, I should look it up sometime.

"Thank you so much, Luna!" I say and hug her tightly. I can see that she's happy that I like it. I put it on and turn the cork in my hand. Luna is such a lovely girl.

The ride to King's Cross Station takes a while, but it's incredibly fun. I gossip with the girls, mainly about how Dean Thomas fancies Ginny and about Viktor Krum who Hermione used to date last year. "He really has less brains than a cockroach", Hermione had said, to which we all laughed.

As we near the station, I quickly go to the bathroom to freshen up a bit. As I walk out, I bump into a tall figure. I look up, straight into silver eyes.

"I'm sorry", I say and quickly walk away from the blonde. "No, I am", he says and it sounds like he isn't really talking about bumping into me.

"Merry Christmas", he says as I slide back into my compartment. Merry Christmas Dray, I answer in my head.

I'm kind of nervous to meet the Weasleys, but as soon as the train doors slide open, those nerves melt away. I'm engulfed in hugs and welcomes. Questions about how I am doing and Mrs Weasley telling me a hundred times that she is so thrilled to have me. It's like coming home, something I haven't felt in two years.

We go to the Order by Floo powder, which I find very fun and by miracle everyone gets there safe and sound. I get paired in a room with Hermione and Ginny. This is bound to become a great two weeks.

I unpack and we go downstairs for dinner. I properly introduce myself to my hosts and meet Sirius Black, who is staying as well. I haven't heard any positive things about him really, but Harry told me the true story and Sirius is one of the kindest people I have ever met. Overall, it's great.

Days fly by at the Order. We all visited London city, had a boat ride on the Thames, made sugar cookies with Mrs Weasley and had a massive snowball fight, followed by cups of hot cocoa and more cookies. Soon, Christmas rolls around and we are sitting around the table, ready to exchange gifts. It has probably been the best christmas break I have ever had.

"There you go, Y/N", Mrs Weasley says and hands me a present.

"Oh, you shouldn't have Mrs Weasley", I say and carefully unwrap it. Inside is a beautiful blue, hand knitted sweater with my initial on it. She made this herself, for me. I hug her tightly and thank her again.

In return I give her my gift and hand out the rest to the others.

"Y/N, I love it, how kind of you!" Mrs Weasley says and Mr Weasley is entirely amazed by the gift I gave him.

"It's a discman, muggles use it to listen to music", I say and show him how to use it. Soon, a christmas song sounds through the room.

"That is incredible, thank you so much", he says.

My presents are well received, luckily and as I hoped, Hermione is thrilled with her new book and hasn't read it yet.

I get a book about Hogwarts Myths from Hermione, a bunch of chocolate frogs from Ron, a pair of earrings from Harry, which Hermione totally picked out, a Skiving Snackbox from the twins, which I don't fully trust to be normal sweets, and a ring from Ginny. That ring also has emotion enchanted gems on it, which is a real coincidence since I gave her the necklace with those abilities.

As we clean up, Mrs Weasley walks up to me with a black package.

"This came in this morning by owl. It has your name on it, but I didn't want to give it to you at dinner, since I don't know who it's from", she says and gives it to me. The package is neatly wrapped in matt black wrapping paper and a chill runs down my spine. I think I know who this is from.

"Did you see the owl that brought it in?" I ask and she nods.

"A jet black one", she says and I can see that she knows it too.

"Thank you very much", I say and take the gift. "Don't worry, I'm not like them", I quickly say.

I know that the Weasley's do not get along with that family at all. Of course she is worried. She let's in a stranger and then this. She smiles warmly.

"I know you're not, you're a lovely lady with a very good taste in aprons", she says and walks away.

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