Chapter 5

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"Isn't it a beautiful day, Y/N?" Sinbad asks you, looking over a kingdom of his own and holding your hand. The citizens below were just as peaceful as the clear sky.

"Yeah..." You smile up at the sky. "It's wonderful."

"Nothing could make this day better, you know? That's how I can tell everyone is Happy."

You nod, but this time you looked sad. Your waves were bluer than the sea.

"My love?" Sinbad lets go of your hand and turns your face to meet his. "What's the matter, Y/N?"

"You still haven't found me yet..."

He blinks. "Darling, you're right here."

You shake your head and smile a bit, leaning in to whisper in his ear. He could feel your breath tickle his ear a bit when you leaned in, making him shudder a bit. He hugs you to keep you close to him as you whisper the words.

"The Sky-"

Sinbad jolts himself awake, laying in the bed provided for him by Harun. He rubs his tired eyes as he lazily gets up out of bed. "I need a shower to start the day..." He groans.


Sinbad had been entertaining crowds for a couple of weeks now, yet he had no where near the amount of money he needed to join the merchant's guild and to convince Harun to write a recommendation letter for him. Yet he had to keep going, to begin his own country and to change the world.

"You were wonderful!" A rich man stops Sinbad after the play, two slaves on either side of him, carrying small bags of coins. Sinbad could smell the alcohol on him and cringed inside. "Tell me, would you like to entertain an even bigger crowd tonight, at my estate?"

"I'm sorry sir... I'm afraid I don't-"

The man brings out several more bags of coins.

"I'll see you then."

Sinbad counts the amount of gold coins he had gotten from the man, totaling it to at least 20. He sighs, knowing it wouldn't be enough.

'Sorry Y/N...' He looks up at the sky, knowing you were somewhere in the Empire, looking up as well. 'You'll have to wait a bit longer- Wait a minute, he had slaves!'

Sinbad smiles gleefully as he realizes the man had slaves, which was sort of wrong in the back of his mind. Where there were slaves, there was you, and where there was you, there was his happiness, his nostalgia of childhood, his love. He wondered if you would be excited to see him.

"I'm coming for you, Y/N! My love..." He lays on the ground and smiles warmly.


Just as he thought, the house was full of slaves. In this big of a crowd though, Sinbad couldn't distinguish between the slaves who were doing their job and you, if you were possibly even here.

He would know you by your hair, face, and eyes, of course, but Sinbad also made it his duty to recognize you by the way you spoke and your personality. He wasn't attracted to your looks, he was attracted to everything about you, even your faults were adorable.

"Excuse me..." One of the slaves, a girl, tugs gently on Sin's shirt. "Are you Sinbad? The Sinbad?"

"Yes, I am." Sinbad crouches down to meet her gaze. "Did you need something?"

She brightens up immediately, smiling with a toothy smile. "I'm Yuma." She introduces herself. "Yuma has something she needs to show you, Mister Sinbad!" She grabs his hand and leads him down the hall of the huge house, shocking Sinbad as she turns corners and goes down the winding building hallways to stop at the slave quarters. "Here!" She points inside the quarters as she opens the door. The quarters were filled with slaves, with bunk beds for most of them to sleep in. The rest of the beds were simply inexpensive, used carpets on the floor. The people inside looked at Sinbad in confusion, but then smiled widely and adorned the air with announcements of "it's him" or "he's here". Sinbad only felt anger knowing that you were treated this way, eyeing slaves who were malnourished and who's ribs could be seen from the consequences of eating nothing but crumbs of bread and water. He knew what they ate because of the rats that feasted in the leftovers on trays near men and women who lied in bed, dying.

Watered Down (!Snb!Sinbad x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now