I Can Be Happy Too

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Caleb's POV

I really messed up. I had one chance with Dani and I blew it. I put my head in my hands and punch the pillow sitting next to me. Suddenly, my phone rings distracting me from my thoughts.

I check the caller ID and see Clair's name pop up. Annoyed, I answer the phone. "What." She giggles through the phone. "I just wanted to know if you want to hook up tonight." She flirts. I shake my head and cut the call.

I am so done with Clair and everyone else's drama. All I ever wanted was a relationship with Dani which I can't do. I mess up everything good in my life.

I grab the keys to my motorcycle and slam the door shut. Thank God no one was home or I would've gotten a lecture. Hopping onto my bike, I speed all the way towards the ice cream shop. Scott and Brian always come here on Saturdays.

"Hey guys!" I say walking up to them. They ignore me and continue talking to each other. "Guys, what's wrong." I ask sitting down next to them.

"You cheated on Dani." Scott says rolling his eyes. "Dude, that's not cool. Dani actually loves you. When are you ever going to find a girl who doesn't only want sex." Brian adds.

"I really like Dani, you guys know this. I was drunk so you can't blame me." I argue trying to defend myself. "If you really liked her, no matter what condition you were in, you wouldn't have cheated." Scott says getting up. He makes his way towards the exit and Brian follows him. "You messed up....big time." Brian says before heading out.

I pound the table with my fist drawing attention towards me. Frustrated, I get up and walk out of the shop. Starting my bike, I drive back to my house. I really thought Brian and Scott would help me with this. They've always stuck by my side since we were toddlers.

I guess they're really pissed if they don't support me. In a way, they were right. I really did mess up and I intend on fixing it.

I walk back to Dani's house and ring the doorbell. She opens the door and before she can close it, I push it open with my hands. "Caleb, get out of my house." She says aggravated.

"Dani, please listen to me. I screwed up okay and what I did could never be forgiven. But, I really do like you. A lot." I blurt out before she does anything.

"Your mouth is saying something else but your mouth was saying something else last night." She turns around to head upstairs but I grab her wrist. "Please hear me out."

"You have every right to be angry with me. I was drunk and out of my mind. You know I would never do anything to jeopardize our relationship. You're the first girl I really ever liked so maybe I acted out because I was scared of my feelings. I've never felt this way towards someone before." The words tremble out of my mouth but I push it back and play it cool.

"What about Clair?" She asks stepping towards me. "I never loved Clair. Our entire relationship was physical. But with you, I feel light. I feel like when I'm with you, there's nothing there around me. That's why I can't lose you. You make me feel like I can be okay for once. You walked into my life bringing me happiness I never knew existed. I was fine before you came, but after I met you, I realized that I can be happy too." I finish looking into her deep brown eyes.

"Caleb-" I cut her off. "Please, give me a chance." She closes her eyes and nods her head. "I'll give you another chance. The day pigs fly, I'll give you another chance." She says sternly. She grabs me by the wrist and pushes me out of her house. She slams the door shut and I'm left there.

I could feel my heart shatter. Tears start to slip but I quickly wipe them away. Walking to my front door, I quickly get inside and close the door. Sitting on the couch, I let the tears slip.

I really fucked up

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