Nikki was currently recovering while gathering her thoughts so she could properly answer these questions. A small star wandered over to the Mii. This would be Starfy. He looked up at her, smiling and waving his hand. "I'm sure the reason for you being home early is a reasonable one, have a cold?" The star would ask, Nikki shaking her head in response. A sea turtle entered through the front door, handing Nikki a water bottle. He just got done putting gas in his bus outside. "Thank you-" She would thank him in gratefulness, taking it and beginning to drink. "It be no problem, lass" Kapp'n from Animal Crossing smiles. A small brown furry puppy would run in through the door, barking happily as a black orb with eyes and teeth came in not far behind the dog. A strangely adorable sight would be seen when the Nintendog and Chain Chomp would play with each other. Chasing each other's tails and the like.

A man covered head to toe with black armor and a blue haired samurai were silently polishing their swords. The former happens to be the Black Knight from Fire Emblem and the latter is Takamaru from Murasame Castle. They had nothing to say at the moment since they assumed this was an ordinary day and the news wouldn't involve them much.

"I'm usually not, but this is an important occasion, everyone needs to be in here to hear the news fir-" Nikki's cut off when a blond man with a particularly tall blond flattop haircut crashed through a wall. "Ghhrk!" Guile from Street Fighter would grunt, flipping through the air at the last second and landing on his feet. A black haired polygonal man donned with a type of karate gi ran through the door. Akira from Virtua Fighter and Guile were clearly sparring and things got a bit intense, they really take combat seriously! "Hah!" The warrior of Bājíquán techniques elbowed Guile in the gut. Guile quickly counterattacked with a flashkick to the jaw.

While they exchanged a few blows, their fighting styles being put to the test. Many other assists ended up coming into the center room. Whether to see what was going on, wanting in on the action, or annoyed from the ruckus the two were causing in the heat of the moment. The room erupted with noise and chaos in a matter of seconds. "The hell is wrong with you two..." Rodin muttered, sighing to express some of his irritation. Would he need to get a weapon from his bar or summon something from the deep pits of the Inferno to quiet things down? Knuckles and Dr. Wily quit their bickering for the moment once they saw the scene, it tempted Knuckles to want to join in on their training session.

"20 Coins that the Street Fighter guy will knock him out the park!" A tall lanky man wearing purple betted with an arrogant smirk, holding up a bag containing the money. A horned knight in blue wielding a shovel raised a bag of gold in response to the bet, Shovel Knight clearly confident in placing a bet on Akira. "Oh ho? You're on, sir!" The man, Waluigi would laugh in glee, "Wahahahaha! That's more like it, hope you're ready to lose all your cash!"

"Humans..." A long haired blonde vampire wearing dark groaned to himself with mild amusement. The vampire, better known as Alucard from Castlevania eyed down at the scene. "What about them?" A voice would be heard, cutting off Alucard and his brooding. There stood a green haired lady wearing red, clenching some sort of stone in one of her hands. Alucard eyed her and the ears that formed on the woman's ears, Tiki would tilt her head a bit on confusion from the silence. "They... Nevermind. No need fret about it..." Alucard turned and began to walk off, planning to go and rest in the shade somewhere. "Stranger! The reasoning may be personal, but please try not to stray into the path of darkness" Tiki would ask of him with mild concern in her eyes. He didn't respond to that and kept walking, moving past some metallic silver humanoid that stood and did nothing (Starman from Mother) and a huge pink thing that resembled a toy that seemed to try to interact with the silver machine (Sukapon from Joy Mech Fight). Alucard disregarded the strange looking things as something from a future time period.

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