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I stood in front of the door to Harry's house, lifting my hand to knock. I gently tapped the door, and a woman, whom I presume to be his mother, answered.

"June?" She said, a questioning tone in her voice.

"It's very nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Styles." I gave her a kind smile and she grinned right back. I could see where Harry got his prominent dimples from.

"Call me Anne, love." Her voice was as smooth as velvet, similar to Harry's but, obviously, more feminine. She shook my hand and led me inside to their house.

I looked around. Their home seemed very pleasant. The walls were painted a light grey and pictures were plastered on them as well. Some were of Harry and Maggie, I guessed. There were wedding pictures of Robin and Anne, with giant smiles on their faces, completely and utterly in love. 

Next to the couch was an end table with what was now my favorite picture to ever grace this Earth - Harry was a young boy, grinning from ear to ear while standing next to a placid faced soldier in front of the Buckingham Palace.

"Do you like that one?" I jumped as Harry's voice filled my ears.

I felt my cheeks heat up just a bit. I looked up at him and smiled. 

"Yes," I spoke honestly. "A lot, actually."

We laughed together, taking one last look at the picture, and then addressing each other.

"Hi, June. You look nice." Harry's smile turned to a slight smirk.

"Hi, Harry. You don't look too bad yourself." I admired his outfit, looking him up and down as subtly as I could.

He actually looked quite good. He had a dress shirt on with black jeans. This was different from his usual apparel. At school, he'd show up in a band shirt and black jeans, or the occasional flannel, but this seemed to fit him oddly well.

"It's not my first choice of clothing. I got this for Christmas and my mum made me wear it." He mumbled under his breath, glancing at Anne.

"She does know best, after all." I teased him. He laughed lightly and I joined him.

"Are you still nervous?" He asked in a hushed voice, leaning down to my ear so that only I could hear.

"No, not as much." I told him. I was happy to say that it was the truth.

"Good." He put his hand on my back and smiled at me.

"Harry!" A girl just a few years younger than us shouted from the kitchen. "Come help set the table, please!"

He nodded and brought me over to her. 

"Maggie, this is June." Harry gestured to me.

Her smile was bright and she was just beautiful. Her long brown hair was down to the middle of her back, her green eyes striking, although not as strong as Harry's, and she stood confidently. She was absolutely beautiful, looking like a younger and more youthful version of Anne.

"Pleasure to meet you, June." Maggie said, a grin plastered on her face.

I smiled back at her, telling her that the pleasure was all mine. We set the table together, and I made small talk with Maggie.

"How's school? I remember that freshman year was tough at first." I said, trying to make small talk.

"It's alright. I like it better than middle school." She paused for a moment, memories flowing through her mind. "Now that I think of it, middle school was really bad."

I laughed at her comments because I knew it was a joke, but on the other hand, it probably wasn't that much of a joke. I realized that I didn't like middle school much either.

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