sweet lavender

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katniss POV

"it is going to be okay katniss your done"peeta calms me down.

"I know I just hope she is healthy"I say.

"she will be you kept her healthy"peeta says and I smile.

"katniss and peeta mellark"the doctor says and hands the baby to peeta.

peeta smiles and a single tear runs down his cheek. she opens her eyes. oh my god she has peeta's blue eyes but she has my nose. she is so beautiful.

"so everything is fine"I ask the doctor.

"yup as of right now at least" he says and a whole cloud of relief disappears.

"what is her name"he asks.

"lavender....lavender mellark.

"hmm I like it well congratulations katniss and peeta.

"thank you" we both say at the same time.

peeta hands lavender to me. wow she has even bluer eyes then peeta. I didn't know that was possible.

"hi lavender. I am your mom and I love you so much. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise"I whisper still in a little pain from the contractions.

she looks right at me. she is lavender mellark daughter of katniss and peeta. she can do anything she sets her mind too. I just know it.

"the doctor said you can go home tomorrow"peeta tells me and I smile and nod.

"I need some rest"I say and hand lavender to peeta.

tonight there are no nightmares. the thought of lavender makes me have a good dream for once. I hope it is like this all the time.

short chapter sorry  but she is finally born so it is not so. much wait any more. I will try to update soon but I have been busy so it might be a day or two maybe today but look out for it.

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