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katniss POV

we go to the restaurant and pick a booth next to a window with a nice ocean view. It us really beautiful though you can see the clear ocean water with the sun reflecting on the surface of the water.

"Annie this a really beautiful restaurant with a really nice view"

"I know right this is the only place that has a ocean in this area and this is tie's favourite place"she says

"I didn't know district twelve had a beach"peeta says

"me neither until I found this face but I'm glad they do it makes it feel like home but not as depressing"she smiles at the last part.

tie doesn't understand yet but Annie says when he turns ten she will tell him about the games and the rebellion and how that was s how his father died but he is still two. once he can though she will say he died in a car accident until he is old enough to really know. I can't agree more.

"the fish and chips look really good I think I will get that with a water"I say to the waitress.

"he will get some vegetable soup and water,Annie says pointing to tie. he eats real food now. and u will get a burger with side salad and a sprite"Annie orders.

"I will get the ribs with the barbeque on the side with a coke"peeta orders sweetly but still manly.

ten minutes later we get our food and dig in. this food is really good but peeta's cheese buns are still better.

"thanks Annie for showing us this place"I say

"well thank you for being there for me to raise tie"she says to both of us because tie and peeta have a little bond even though he is only two.

we finish pay and leave and go home.

peeta throws himself on the couch. I come over and snuggle in his arms.

"katniss do you love me"peeta asks randomly.

"of course I wouldn't be able to Iive without you"I smile at him

he give me a kiss on the lips and then soon it turns french and heated we come up for air but don't stop. all I remember was us undressing each other and him putting on protection and then the rest off the afternoon is a blur and all that I know is that I love peeta mellark.

I hope it was good anyway if I say finn or finnick instead of tie forgive me I am writing another story and finnick is in it so it is a little confusing. thanks for reading and voting.

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