The Gears of Passion Start to Turn

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Okay so now that Haru and Kaito have gotten together with their Shinobi teams, that only leaves Itsuki. How will the Tengu Squad tell him how they feel? Will Itsuki be willing to accept them in that way?
Itsuki was busy at his workbench once again as he was making upgrades to Minirobo and was laser focused on the work in front of him. Although he was promptly interrupted by a pair of arms that wrapped themselves around his neck gently. Itsuki felt his head being pressed against something soft as he heard a giggle behind him. "Hi Itsuki!" Itsuki recognized the voice as Ushimaru's as a blush spread across his face. "H-Hey Ishimaru, w-what's up?" Itsuki asked nervously as he tried to keep his cool in this situation as best he could. Ushimaru giggled again before pushing herself against Itsuki more.
"Ahem." Itsuki and Ushimaru turned to see Nachi standing there with a nasty glare on her face that she directed at Ushimaru. "Ushimaru why don't you let Itsuki go? After all he looks quite uncomfortable in his current position!" Nachi growled out as Ushimaru puffed out her cheeks angrily before glaring right back at Nachi. "Mine!" Ushimaru growled as she pressed herself even more against Itsuki. "Okay that's it!" Nachi screeched as she Shinobi transformed and pointed her fishing rod at Ushimaru. Ushimaru let go of Itsuki and transformed as well and cracked her whip.
Nachi shot the Kunai on the end of her fishing rod at Ushimaru as Ushimaru swung her whip at Nachi. Although before either attack could connect with its intended target, Itsuki jumped in between the two oncoming attacks. Nachi and Ushimaru both gasp in horror as Istsuki was hit by both of their attacks at the same time. "Itsuki!" Both girls shrieked as the rushed over to the fallen boy's side. "W-Would both of you stop fighting like this? S-Seriously your friends for god sake!" Itsuki coughed out as he passed out from the pain. Nachi and Ushimaru both picked Itsuki up and brought him back to their dorm.
                  Itsuki felt himself waking up as he groggily looked around the room, trying to get his bearings. Itsuki tried to get up, but quickly found that he was unable to move his arms or legs. Itsuki looked and found Misato hugging his left side and Kumi hugging his right side. "G-Girls could you please let go?" Itsuki whispered to the two of them as their eyes fluttered open. "Itsuki your okay!" Misato said happily as she snuggled into his side happily. "You feeling alright cutie?" Kumi asked as she did the same thing as Misato. "Girls I'm fine, but could you seriously let go, I can't feel my arms." Itsuki said as he tried to wriggle free from their grip.
"Itsuki.....your......awake!" Yuyaki said as she entered the room and spotted the boy she loved trying to get free of Misato and Kumi's grip. "Girls....let Itsuki......go!" Yuyaki said in a commanding tone as the two girls finally got up and let Itsuki get the feeling back in his arms. "Thanks Yuyaki, by the way where are Ushimaru and Nachi?" Itsuki asked as Yuyaki drew one of her swords and developed her angry glare. "They have been confined to their rooms where they will suffer!" Yuyaki growled angrily as she pointed her sword at Itsuki, Misato, and Kumi. "Itsuki get behind us, Yuyaki gets a bit outta control when she's like this!" Misato said as she and Kumi tried to put themselves between Itsuki and Yuyaki.
                   "It's fine Misato I'll handle this." Itsuki said calmly as he started to step towards Yuyaki. "Do you wish for your blood to be spilled swine?" Yuyaki threatened as she pointed her sword at Itsuki's neck. "Yuyaki I know you would never hurt me. So please calm down alright?" Itsuki said as he used his finger to push the sword blade away and pulled Yuyaki into a hug. Yuyaki struggles at first before she returned to normal and hugged Itsuki back. "I'm sorry...for Itsuki." Yuyaki said as she pressed her face into his chest and let out a sigh of content.
                 Ushimaru was crying into her pillow as she thought back to how she attacked Itsuki earlier today. "I just had to get angry with Nachi didn't I? Now Itsuki is hurt because of me!" Ushimaru thought as she continued to cry into her pillow. Ushimaru felt a weight cause her bed to shift slightly, indicating someone has sat down next to her. Ushimaru felt someone rub her back gently in a comforting manner as her cries devolved into hiccups. "You okay Ushimaru?" Ushimaru sat bolt up and pulled Itsuki into an almost bone crushing hug. "Itsuki I'm so sorry!" Ushimaru wailed as she gently cried into Itsuki's shoulder.
               Itsuki smiled before gently patting the cow loving girl on the back in a soothing manner. "Feeling better Ushimaru?" Itsuki asked as he got a meek nod of the head in response. "Listen I better go check on Nachi, you okay now?" Itsuki asked as Ushimaru once again gave him a nod in response as Itsuki stood up and exited her room. Ushimaru squealed happily unto her pillow as she tried to contain her joy. Although her moment was interrupted by her teammates, minus Nachi entering her room. "Ushimaru....we need" Yuyaki said as Ushimaru simply nodded her head in understanding.
                   Nachi was gently crying while lying in her bed as she thought back to what happened in the garage. "Hey Nachi are you feeling alright?" Nachi sat up and was surprised to find Itsuki standing there looking at her with worry in her eyes. "I-Itsuki! Y-Yes I'm fine!" Nachi said as she did her best to dry her eyes. Itsuki walked up to Nachi and gently pulled her into a hug as he rubbed her back. "It's okay Nachi I'm not mad about what happened!" Itsuki soothed as Nachi gently cried into his shoulder. After a while the two of them broke apart and Nachi had finally calmed down.
"Itsuki....there's something....we to....tell you." Itsuki turned around to find the rest of the Tengu Squad standing in the doorway of Nachi's room. "What is it Yuyaki? Is something wrong?" Itsuki asked as looked at the Tengu girls with worry in his eyes. Itsuki felt Nachi hug him from behind as the other girls approached him. "Itsuki.....we! That's...why we.....stalked you.....for so long." Yuyaki explained as she gave him a kiss on the cheek. "We just wanted to tell you how we felt, but just ended up making you uncomfortable." Misato said as she looked down in shame.
                 "Then you gave us a chance and we were so happy!" Ushimaru said as she smiled at Itsuki. "When we were given the chance, we decided we wouldn't waste it." Nachi whispered in his ear as she continued to hug him. "So cutie do you accept our feelings?" Kumi asked as she flashed him a suggestive smile. Itsuki thought about what the girls just told him, sure they had a rough start, but in the past few months they have become such good friends to him. Plus he would be lying if he said he hadn't developed some feelings for the girls as well. "Of course I accept you girls." Itsuki said as they all smiled and hugged their new boyfriend. This marked the beginning of a young engineer's love life.

Okay so now all of Tenma's childhood friends are in relationships with the Shinobi girls that love them! Although what does the future hold for them? What about Shikawa and Ishibura? How will things play out for them? Find out in the next chapter!

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