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Jimin walked in his house exshausted after a long day at school.

"im home" he said and looked around the living room but no one was there.

He frowned and walked in the kitchen where his mom was sitting, angrily staring at him as soon as he walked in.

"why are you mad?" Jimin asked.

"are you doing drungs?" his mom asked.

Jimin was confused, he wasn't one of those kids, he didn't even drink any type of alcohol.

"no, of course not" Jimin said.

"then what is this?" his mom angrily asked, as she showed him a pack filled with a wide powder.

"i don't know okay, its not mine, where did you even find this?" Jimin asked, he had a feeling about who it was.

"i found it in the bathroom, you were the only one at the house yesterday, Park Jimin, are you doing drugs?!" his mom yelled.

"no! I don't fucking do drugs! I don't even drink okay! Why don't you ask you other son who smokes and comes home drunk almost every single day huh? But no! You don't want to upset you beloved son who is so smart and has a job! Of course not!" Jimin yelled and stombed to his room, closing the door behind him with force and sliding down to it.

He felt tears pile in his eyes and cursed himself for crying over something so small.

But he knew it wasn't something small.

His parents blamed him for everything and never his older brother just because he had a good job and made millions, but he still lived with them because he deeply loved his family.

His brother wasn't a bad person.

He just had bad habits, like getting drunk every night and bringing girls at the house, smoking and now doing drugs.

But of course his mom blamed that to him.

That witch.

"i hate you" Jimin mumbled and closed his eyes, sighing deeply as he got up from the floor and walked to his desk to start his homework.


Jimin was at his friends house, him and his friend, Taehyung and his friends boyfriend, Jungkook were playing video games.

"Jiminie hyung, you don't look fine" Jungkook said as he side looked Jimin.

"thanks for the compliment Kookie" Jimin rolled his eyes.

"no, he's right, you don't talk too much, you're quite and look uncomfortable and sad, and that means that something happened at home with your mom, spil" Tae said.

"my mom accused me of doing drugs, she found a bag with a white powder in it and asked me if it was mine, i said no since i don't do drugs but she just yelled at me so i lashed out and yelled at her too, she doesn't even know that im not home" Jimin said, sighing sadly

"wow, im sorry Jiminie hyung" Tae said.

"its fine, we know how my mom is right?"



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