#146 (Zayn)

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''Guys can you please stop making out while I'm in the same room as you and having a mental breakdown?'' I grunted with my hands on my hips. Louis and Niall finally decided to do me the favor to pull apart.

Louis rolled his eyes and said, '' What?''

''Really?'' I said, my voice a little pitchy.

They both nodded.

''First of all, today is Harry's premiere of his musical and I'm stressed because I want him to do well, second of all he keeps saying that he has something to tell me but he won't say it,'' I explained as I sat on the couch next to them, most precisely next to Niall.

''C'mon Zee, he'll do great as always and he will tell you everything eventually.'' He said putting an arm around my shoulders.

''I know, I know, but I can't help being anxious, plus it's been a week he's had his meeting with management, how long do I have to wait to know what happened?''

''He'll tell you soon, he's not able to keep a secret that long,'' Louis said.

''Yeah, soon,'' I rolled my eyes, '' that's what he keeps saying. I-I need to see him. I'm going to his dressing room.''

He's Famous (Zarry Stylik) ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя