NaMo | Wedding Dress

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Wedding dress

Momo's throbbing head worsened when she raised her head to read the news article on the TV in front of her

Breaking News: Lim Nayeon from Twice is allegedly caught dating Kim Namjoon  from BTS. Although unsu—

That was the last that Momo heard before she slumped her head on the bar counter, creating a loud 'thud' and gaining the attention of the last waiter left

The poor worker quickly walked to check Momo's condition and was relieved to find out the girl only collapsed herself to sleep. She reeked alcohol all over and on her right hand clutched a spilled shot glass of whiskey, seemed like poor o'l Momo purposely drank herself to sleep

The waiter tried to shake her to wake up, it was already pass midnight and the small local bar was already closing. Seeing as the waiter's shaking did nothing at all, the worker decided to just take Momo's phone to make a call to her most recent history call log.

He was just about to check Momo's pockets when a hand forcefully grabbed his arm away from the girl

"What are you doing?" The person called out with intimidation

The waiter's brow creased and he stood defensively but after thinking straight, he bowed down apologetically and explained that he was only trying to help the drunk girl make her way home

"Thanks for that but no thanks for that at all, I'll handle things from here" The waiter didn't do anything as the person lifted Momo's head and cup her red face but the waiter did crease his brows once again, thinking if he should just leave the drunk girl with the person

"I'm a friend of hers and you don't need to know my name. I'll pay for her shots, good night" A hundred won bill was left on the counter before Momo and her companion left

It was Lim Nayeon, she covered half of her face with a mask and wore glasses, she couldn't risk being seen in the pubic, definitely not after the rumors spread like wildfire

She looked really suspicious for anyone who didn't know her but the waiter was in no position to pry and instead just nodded as he watched them walk out.

Nayeon was literally dragging Momo to her feet. Her right arm was wrapped around the younger's waist while the other supported Momo's hand, who was clinging onto her neck like a koala

She didn't complain though, she was used to taking care of Momo like a little girl and she regrets nothing. She pulled Momo closer as Momo's legs wobbled every time they would take a step, making her twice heavier than her actual weight

"Momo wake up, will you? You're really heavy" Nayeon uttered when both of them almost fell on the block, good thing she quickly regained balance

"Ugh..." Momo only groaned, her  eyelids felt heavy as she tried to stay awake but constantly fails, she was walking on a thin line between falling asleep and falling on the ground, though it looks like she'd end up on both

"I-if... If I-I'm too... Heavy then.. Let go of me" Momo managed to blurt out in the middle of her drunk state.

Even though she looked like she was only half conscious, Momo knew it was Nayeon who took her out of that bar, she knew at that moment it was Nayeon because how could she ever forget the addicting scent, the addicting touch and the addicting smile Nayeon possesses

"I was only stating that you were heavy, I'm not complaining" Nayeon pulled Momo closer as she continued to slowly slide off from Nayeon's grasp.

Nayeon tightened her clutch on the younger and looked around for possible threats, determined to keep Momo safe. While observing around, she noticed a bench beside a lamppost and decided to rush there with the clinging Mpmo in her hands

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