Chapter 42- Truth (Part 1)

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*Sky's p.o.v*
I hadn't seen Grace in years, she had changed so much. For one thing, her-used-to-be brown hair was now almost the color of budder. We hadn't really ever talked that much, she had been better friends with Jason than me, but she still said she had forgotten him name. She had remembered mine though. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Ty saying my name, "Sky! Sky? Hello?" I looked over at him. "What?" "Welcome back!" Grace laughed. "We were asking you a question." Ty said, looking at me funny, "Re you ok? It's not like you to zone out." I shook my head, "I'm fine. Now what was the question?" "Grace wants to know where she should sleep. Remind me again why we don't have any guest rooms?" he asked, laughing. I shrugged and laughed, "I don't know the answer to either of those." "I'll just sleep on the couch then!" Grace said happily. "What about your stuff?" Ty asked. She hesitated, "I don't have any." He raised an eyebrow. I noticed for the first time her clothes looked really torn and old and I'm pretty sure the jeans were too small, since they almost went to her knees. "Why?" Ty asked suspiciously. She shrugged, "I just left it all for now." Ty looked at her for a minute before nodding. She looked over at Madison, "I'm going to make friends!" I grabbed her arm, "Um, not with her right now. She is a little....mad still about something." She looked at Jerome, who was standing next to Madison, talking to her. "He is talking to her though." She protested. "Yeah, well he is the only one she won't try to kill." Ty said, smirking. Her blue eyes landed on Shadow, who was beside Ty. "I'll be friends with you!" She smiled. Shadow, surprisingly, smiled back and nodded. Ty stood up and walked over to me, "Why does Grace remember your name, but no one else's?" I shrugged, "I have no idea, I mean she didn't even really talk to me when we met. She was friends with Jason, but not anyone else. Why does it matter?" Ty shrugged, "Just curious. Look I have to go...have a talk with Jenna." He said saying the last part annoyed. He walked out the door to go find Jenna. I figured why she walked out mad, because Ty didn't tell her about Grace. It still was a little odd thought. "Hey Adam?" I felt someone tap my shoulder. They had called me Adam instead of Sky.... It was Grace, "Where is the kitchen?" She titled her head to the side when she asked. "Um downstairs, first door on the right. Why?" I asked, confused why she needed to go to the kitchen."Er..... No reason!" She smiled and waved for the other girls to follow her. They all ran out the door. "What was that about?" Tyler asked coming up beside me. "I have no idea." Jerome said sounding as confused as Tyler had.

*Jenna's p.o.v*
Ty walked in the door. "What do you need to talk about woman?" He said, his voice cracking when he said woman. I tried not to laugh at his voice. I regained myself and looked at him in the eyes. "I don't have all day Jenna! I have to get back to Shadow and Grace cause god knows what they are doing." I sighed, "Just go to them then. It's nothing important." I said.  Ty seemed to be getting mad at me, "Then why the hell did you run out the door for!?" He yelled. "Because well for one you just forgave Shadow like nothing had happened befo-" He cut me off, "I forgave her because Seto broke the spell on her!" I huffed, "She could be faking it you know?" "Oh my god. What is the second reason?" He said rubbing his eyes. "Who the hell is Grace?" I said. Ty looked at me, "Like I said before she is my sister." "That you never told me about!?" I said raising my voice. "Yeah well I haven't seen her in years so I kind of figured she wouldn't show back up and I wouldn't have to mention her to you!" He was practically yelling now. This is the first time he has ever yelled at me and the truth is it kind of scared me. I hid my fear of him yelling though, "How do you not figure to tell your other sister?! You could of just said 'Oh hey Jenna we have another sibling. Her name is Grace, but I haven't seen her in years so' It's not that hard Tyler Ellis!" (Sorry if I spelled his last name wrong >.<) I yelled at him. "Don't. Call. Me. That." He said. "What's the problem Tyler? Don't like being called by your real name!?" I yelled. He walked up to me, "My name isn't Tyler any more. And never call me by that again." He said calmly. I growled, "Ok just walk away. I don't need you anyway. I went years without you and I can do it again!" I screamed as he walked to the door. He stopped and turned and walked back towards me, "If it wasn't for me you would'nt be here! I could of let Madison kill you! I could of let you be alone and suffer! To be honest I should of just let you think about what you did to my best friend! But did I no? I cared for you and made sure no one touched you just like I did when we were little!" He covered his mouth. "W-when we were little?" I asked. He sighed, "Yes when we were little. Mom and dad didn't give us away...They died. Mom died giving birth to you and dad...Dad killed himself. The day he did the cops came and tried to take me and you to an orphanage but I ran away with you. You were just a baby. I think only 1? Yeah. I had to get a job to buy us food and to live in shelter. I got treated like shit but it was worth it. One day I couldn't take it anymore because of what happened to me to get money, so I took you to an orphanage and well left. I ran away and everyday I hoped you would get a good home. I guess you did. I finally got a home when I was about 10. That's how I met Grace." He said, actual tears rolling down his face. "Ty..." I said walking up to him and wiping his tears away. "Ty what did they do to you?" I asked. "Nothing you wanna know about." He said. "Ty please tell me. I need to know what they did to you...Why would you go through so much trouble for me?" I asked. He looked down at me, "Because you're my sister and I love you." I just looked at him."Y-you love me?" I said. "Yeah I really do Jenna. I love you so much that if anyone hurts you I will kill them before Madison can." I laughed but stopped myself, "How old were you when dad died?" "I was 9." I looked at him. Wow 1 year by himself. "Nd you survived a year without a family?" He nodded. I had so many questions to ask why he did it and why was I worth all that toruble. I mean I get I'm his sister and all but... "Ty.." I said after a few minutes of silence. He looked at me, "Why didn't you come back for me?" I asked. He looked surprised. "I.....You.....Um..." He didn't say anything. "Y-You forgot me didn't you?" I said upset. "No, no, no! I didn't I-" He stopped himself. "It had been so long since I had a family and having Grace made me happy as can be. I was glad to have a sister again. I don't know why I didn't go to get you and bring you back with me. I should of done that. If I did you would never have went to that camp. I guess I didn't want to remember the pain I went through to save you.." I tried to be as strong as I could, "So you left me... All alone to be stuck with a family that was crap? So I could end up not what you wanted me to be?" I started to yell again. "Jenna stop! Ok stop you are starting to act like a brat again!" Ty yelled. "Again!? When did I act like a brat before!?" I asked. "Oh come on! Jenna you are always a brat. You always make trouble! You mess up a lot. Yeah Madison and Danielle do but not as bad as you! God I try to be nice to you and you just act like a brat and I'm sick of it!" "I'm not acting like a brat! I want to know why you would forget your only real family member! I would of remembered you if I was your age and you were my age at that time!" I said. "NO YOU WOULDN'T YOU WOULD'VE WANTED WHAT WAS BEST AND LET ME HAVE A FAMILY!" He screamed. "AT LEAST I WOULD'VE COME BACK FOR YOU!" I said firmly and loud. He was so pissed. "You know what. I'm glad I didn't come back for you! I worked my butt off to save us and you were a brat saying you wanted to go home and you didn't like it here when that was the only thing we had." "That's not my point Tyler! My point is you left me. Your real sister, for some girl who isn't even your real sister! How do you do that!?" I looked at me for a second, "It's so simply to forget things. I wanted to forget you and I did until the day you came to this castle!" He said stepping closer. I pushed him back. "Get away from me!" I yelled. "No I don't have to Jennifer!" "That's not my name Tyler. It's just JENNA!" I said. "That's not what Seto said." He said. "What? What does Seto have too....." Then I realized it. "Ty....I'm not really your sister am I?"  He sighed, "Your are. I...I...Ergh can we just stop fighting please. Look I need to go back to Shadow and.." "And your fake sister because you want to forget your annoying and bratty sister. Ok that's fine with me. I will be fine without you." His eyes were red, "Jenna stop this! Stop! Okay I forgot you big deal Why make a big deal about it!?" "Because real family never forgets REAL FAMILY!" I said on the edge of tears. "You are so annoying. I had have enough of your crap. I forgot you ok get over it. I found you again didn't I? We are family again aren't we? So stop making a big deal about it." I shook my head. "No. I won't. And you can say I'm acting like a brat but you should've known better!" I yelled. I felt a sting in my face and fell to the ground. I held my cheek that was stinging. I looked up to see Ty standing there with his mouth opened. "Jen-Jenna I'm so sorry I didn't me-" I stopped him, "Tyler just go away. Go to your sister and Shadow. Just go and leave me alone..." I said crying. He did as I said and walked out the door. I started crying. Why am I still here? I should be back at camp or dead. I'm such a brat. I walked out the door a few hours later.I ran into a person. I backed away, but tripped. "Jenna look please. I didn't mean to hit you!" He said. I got up and ran away but he grabbed my arm. "Ty let go!" I said screaming. Mitch came out of his room. . "What is going on!?" Ty let go of my arm and I fell to the ground. Ty backed away and ran into his room. Mitch tried to get me to talk, but I kept crying. He picked me up and brought me into his room and sat me on his bed, where I curdled up next to him and fell asleep.

*Sky's p.o.v*

The girls made us brownies and forced us to eat them. "Guys I can't eat anymore." Jerome complained. "Oh come on Jerome eat the brownies!" Madison yelled. Jerome groaned. Tyler had fallen asleep in his chair and Ivy and Shadow started throwing stuff at him. Danielle laughed, "This is how you wake him up." She said walking over to him and placing her lips on his. His eyes feel open and he said, "I'm awake!" I started laughing and I think Jerome choked on his brownie. Seto got pushed out of the chair by Ivy, because he laughed. Tyler turned red and put his head on the table, "Shut up. All of you. I'm sleeping." "Really? We didn't notice." Mitch said laughing. Before long everyone started going to bed. Soon it was only me and Grace left. "Well. I'm going to bed." she said standing up and heading towards the living room. "Goodnight." I said, waving. On my way to my room I passed a window and noticed it was raining really hard. I reached my room and laid down, and almost feel alseep. A loud clap of thunder woke me up. I rolled over and looked at the time. 2:14 am. I groaned and rolled back over, listening to the rain. I ehard my door creak open and light shone in. "Adam?" I heard Grace asked. "Yeah?" I asked, suprised that she was awake. "Um...I'm not really fond of storms and I can't find Ty's toom so..." She trailed off, looking at the floor. "Oh..." I said relazing what she was asking, "You can stay her if you like." She nodded and closed the door behind her. I scooted over, keeping a space between us. Another clap of thunder went through the castle and she jumped, grabbing my arm. I wrapped my arm around her, "It's ok. It's just a storm." I whispered. She snuggled up closer to me and sighed. I was glad it was dark, becasue I turned red. I stayed awake utnil she was asleep. Then I closed my eyes and feel asleep.

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