Chapter 14: Solutions

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"Um, Adam, you might want to change first." I look down at my pajamas, and I become embarrassed while steeping back into my capsule. A couple seconds later, and I'm in my day clothing. "Better," Bree compliments.

"Good, now, to breakfast!" I stretch my arm out in a superman pose, and run into the elevator. And I literally mean I ran into the elevator. I smacked my head against the doors, and fall flat on my back. Bree rushes over and helps me up, and the whole time I keep a big grin on my face. The food was my motivation the whole time.

"Are you alright?" Bree asks me, and I keep my grin.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say cheerfully as the elevator opens up. I rush into it, with Bree following as she rolls her eyes.

When the elevator opens up again, I instantly make a beeline for the kitchen, surprising Tasha at the stove.

"Adam!" She yells while playfully whacking me with an oven mitt. "The French toast will be done in a couple minutes, just be patient."

I humph, cross my arms, and plop down on the couch with a frown. Bree joins almost right away, but is laughing when she sits down next to me.

"Where's Chase?" I suddenly ask while looking around.

"Oh, he's still sleeping," Bree starts. "He had a long day yesterday, so Mr. Davenport said that we should just let him sleep."

"So, he gets to sleep, but I don't?"

"Adam, I already told you that he had a long day, and he definitely deserves some sleep."

"Fine," I huff again and lean back with another frown.

"First round of French toast is ready!" Tasha suddenly calls, and my frown instantly changes to a smile. I bound up from the couch, and rush over to the table, almost knocking Tasha over in the process.

"Sorry," I quickly apologize as I sit down.

"It's fine, just watch where you're going next time. Oh, and make sure to leave some for everyone else." Tasha says with a smile before heading back into the kitchen.

"Ugh, why did you have wake me up?" Leo complains while walking into the kitchen with Mr. Davenport behind him. "I was in the middle of the most amazing dream! Beyoncé was there, and she was showing me off as her boyfriend. She was showing me off, rather than the other way around!"

"Sorry, Leo, I didn't want you missing breakfast," Mr. Davenport apologizes.

"What about Chase? He's not up," Leo asks as he takes a seat and starts to pile up on the French toast.

"That's different," Mr. Davenport points out.

"How so?" Leo asks while crossing his arms.

"You don't have to answer that, I'm up!" Chase says from the elevator, with his hands up in surrender.

"You didn't have to," Mr. Davenport says.

"Yeah, well, Bree woke me up. While she was trying to wake Adam up, she woke me up too."

"Oh, sorry," Bree says quickly while poking her French toast awkwardly.

"No, it's perfectly fine. I'm actually kind of glad you woke me up."

"You are?" Bree raises an eyebrow, and Chase smiles as he grabs a piece of French toast.

"Well, yeah. Today is a reminder that school starts tomorrow, and I want to enjoy that fact."

Bree groans, but then puts on a smile. "Only you Chase, only you."

"Is that a problem?" He asks while looking fake hurt. He keeps his smile when reaching for another piece of French toast, but the smile immediately fades when the piece goes flying across the table, smacking Leo in the face across from him.

Pain & Glitches Part 2: Glitches (Lab Rats Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن