Chapter Ten: Elevator Doors

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I was fuming by the time I exited the restaurant. Seana had practically skipped out the front doors while I stormed out. She was so ecstatic while Tyler had been amazing enough to let us have our dramatic exit before sending Seana a text; He asked if we could meet him back at my hotel.

Seana kept quiet as we walked a few blocks. I was grateful that she gave me space. I took advantage of the silence by replaying the events from the restaurant.

I told that bitch off... I can't believe I did that, let alone I told Dylan off as well. Seana was going to punch her... that was absolutely amazing. I wonder if Tyler is upset with me... I wonder what The Tart is saying about me now...

After I racked my brain for another minute or so, I decided talking to Seana was the best thing to do at this point.

"You would have kicked her ass..." I broke the silence as we waited for a cab on 5th Street. The cool air from our brisk walk had calmed me down enough to conversate.

"I'm glad I stopped you... but then again... she really needs to be hit." I said as I gave a hard laugh through my still gritted teeth.

Seana perked up at the sound of my voice. She broke into a grin and began to chatter away. "I wish you would have let me! It has been a long time coming and she needs to be knocked off her pedestal. Although..." She continued, "I am incredibly proud you took control of that situation. I honestly didn't think you had that in you."

"Well thanks Seana..." I said sarcastically.

"I don't mean that in a bad way!" Seana corrected. "You're so sweet and thoughtful. You're super sarcastic and witty, but that... that was truly bad ass! You let that Tart have it!" She squealed with excitement as we got into a cab.

I sighed as we took our seats. "It felt great to do, but the best part was when we left... and I told Dylan off as well." I glanced out the window and rubbed my palms on my knee.

"Well, sounds like you aren't that thrilled about it. By the looks of it, with your palm thing and that sigh, seems to me you're upset." Seana stated with a concerned look.

I couldn't look away from the window when I answered her. Outside, the sky was a beautiful baby blue. There were a few clouds that looked like someone took a paintbrush and gently stoked the sky above L.A. It was warm outside with a cool breeze; it reminded me of back home. San Diego seemed so far away. Today was a perfect, San Diego type of day... and it was all ruined by Dylan.

"I- I guess I am upset." I sighed. I finally turned my gaze towards her. She was watching me intently, urging me to continue with her eyes. It was as if her soul was telling me to vent, reminding me she has become my best friend, reminding me that I'm not alone in L.A.

"I thought I would be happy, if not, ecstatic at the fact I was able to tell off both Dylan and Britt... but...." I was trying to find the right words to explain how I was feeling, but Seana spoke them for me.

"Dylan got to you. I could see that in your eyes as you turned back to him. What he did was an all time low for him. I've never seen him look at a girl the way he looks at you, but when Britt came around... it was like he was stuck on a bridge.., not knowing which end to cut." Seana said with a sigh.

"I guess I got caught up in the idea of him. The thought that I might have met a really awesome guy. I was stupid, I should have known better. I mean hell! We've known each other for what? A week? " I said. Seana suddenly got a determined look on her face.

"No. You did meet an awesome guy. You were right to have feelings for him. And no, you weren't dumb. We all know there is a connection between the two of you, regardless of you've been friends for two days or two years! Do not sell yourself short Callie. Today was just a bump in the road. Britt is a monster girlfriend I'm telling you. Dylan wants to burn that bridge... I just don't think he knows how." As Seana finished, our cab pulled to the front of the Grand Teller, my hotel. We swiftly made our payment and a quick exit before I responded.

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