Chapter One: The Beginning

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Being a well-known writer isn't anywhere near what I had imagined 'Fame' to be like.

In my 21 years of life, I have seen enough to know that Author fame and Celebrity fame are on two extremely different sides of a spectrum. I grew up as a 90's kid. I survived the Boy Band era of N'Sync, The Backstreet Boys and even solo artists like Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.

I survived my teen years of movie stars, pop culture and the ever so lovely fandom girls. All of this being posted on the many social networks our generation has to offer. I can promise you... when you're an author.... the attention you receive is miniscule compared to all of that.

For me, it's my name that is famous. Callie McKinnon. I seriously can't step into a store without running into my book 'Soul Searcher's'. On the daily I hear about the reviews or the publicity the book gets... but no one knows me. I'm no J.K. Rowling by any means. I don't get recognized or pointed out like a movie star. And that's honestly how I prefer it.

Don't get me wrong I adore my fans. I love answering fan mail or doing book signings, but I enjoy not being in the public eye like most celebrities. I enjoy going to the store or the movies and not being trampled by screaming fans. I love being able to walk down the beach in San Diego and not have to hide from the world. I treasure my freedom.

I have had many dedicated fans recognize me and ask for autographs or pictures and I happily comply. I can walk into a bookstore and be recognized easily by devoted fans and it is an amazing feeling. My readers are my life, but I don't think I could handle never being left alone. Oscar Wilde once said:

"I think it's very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person."

I believe in having time to myself. I don't want to be defined by anyone but myself, otherwise... how would I ever write? How could I let my imagination run wild as I create a world or adventure if I'm conforming to the ways of someone else? My privacy is what helps me drown out the world around me and allow me to drift into a world of my own.

I was walking down the streets of L.A. as I pondered how my life had changed since Soul Searcher's had been released. All of these thoughts had slowly consumed me on my morning walk.

It has sort of become a routine for me to venture off into the cities I visit. L.A. was the last stop on my book tour for the next few weeks. My manager, who I was lucky enough to call 'best friend' prior to the book, had made California our final stop so we could be close to home.

My phone started to ring and I answered my manager's call. "Yes Bobby, what now?" I said with a sigh. My best friend's gruff, manly voice came through my speaker. "Where the hell did you go!? Did you forget that you have a signing in less than two hours and we haven't even put you in make-up yet!"

I smiled as I listened to Bobby's frustrated voice. "I needed to get out of there. It's like a prison for my mind! Do you know how uninspiring four white walls and 50 boring adults is?" I said annoyed. Bobby gave a sigh.

"Look, I want to go home already just as much as you do, but it's one last signing. Get your ass back here and get into make-up so we can get through today smoothly please." I could hear the smile in his voice and thought carefully.

"You promise this is it? At least for awhile, because in case you haven't noticed... I haven't had a chance to write even a single sentence for the next book." I sighed as I turned on my heel to head back to my hotel.

Bobby has been my best friend for seven years now. He was there for me when I had nowhere else to go, he was there for me when I had my heart broken, he even trusted me with telling me his sexual preference before anyone else.

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