Chapter four

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Suddenly, the class went silent, I didn’t have to look up to know Mr Brown had walked in. His shoes clicked on the floor as he walked to his desk, carrying a pile of books.

“Class! Hopefully you all studied for the upcoming tests after the short break!” At the word tests, the whole class groaned in unison. Mr Browns stern eyes analysed every inch of the classroom until his eyes landed on me, “The Textbook isn’t a colouring book, Mrs Blackledge, so don’t use it like one.”  The class erupted in giggles, all except Georgia, all turning to stare at me as I dropped the highlighter out of my hand.

 “We have a new student today, who is just outside. Wait just a moment, whilst I go beckon him.” Mr Brown strode outside. I found it strange that someone would just start school in the middle of the year, especially exactly three days before the short break. The class began speaking again.

“Are you ok?” Georgia said from behind me. I turned and nodded.

“He’s such a d-bag.”

“Isn’t he always?” She smirked, sitting up straight in his chair.

Mr Brown hurried back in, followed by a tall slender boy.

“Treat him well and with respect. Introduce yourself.” He said turning to the boy.

“I’m Alex Byrne. I’m from California.” Some of the girls giggled in accord. The boys eyes skimmed across the classroom and landed on me. We held each other’s eyes for a moment, a flash of recognition passed his face for a second at most, quickly replaced. Mr Brown allocated him a seat two seats next to mine. Was it really recognition I had spotted, because I don’t remember knowing him, I tried to recall but I really didn’t know. I turned back to Georgia, who mouthed the word “hot” and “damn” about Alex, repeatedly throughout history.

The first 4 periods passed like a blur and before I even realized  it was already lunch. Georgia needed to go to the library, and seeing as I didn’t feel like tagging along we parted.

I walked over to the fields again, it was good to be by myself sometimes, I liked being alone.  I sat down on the grass crossing my legs, and brought my book from my bag and began reading ‘Great Expectations’. I could feel the breeze surrounding me, making me shudder.

“Great Expectations is a good novel.” Said a voice from behind me making me jump out of my skin. I turned around to see Alex, the new boy in my class.

“You scared me.” I said hugging my knees, pulling them close to my chest. He sat down beside me crossing his legs.

“What’s your name?”

“Allison Blackledge.” I murmured. “You’re from California, right?” Alex had long eyelashes casting a shadow  over his soft focused brown eyes, he was good looking, I guess, he was more of a pretty boy. He ran a hand through his brown hair.

“Yeah, better weather there.” He smiled, looking at the ground.

“Weird place to move to, McKenzie falls, I mean it’s not the best place.” I said, stretching out my legs.

“I like it here. Its, uh, serene, calm. I guess that’s what made me want to come here.” Alex turned to look at me, meeting my eyes.

“Trust me; you won’t think that way in a few weeks. This place is terrible. Like a prison I guess. I have never left it. This town is such a bore sometimes, its a miracle if there’s even a little bit of sun.”

“Allison? Do you want to go for a drive with me after school?” Alex said his voice soft and mellow.

I was taken aback by his offer.

“Uh today? As in after school?” He nodded.

 “Well, you might be a murderer for all I know.” I grinned.

“There’s always that possibility, you know. But I swear I’m not!” He tipped his head back and laughed.

“Now that is what a murderer would say.” I turned to glance at him

“Take a risk? I assure you that you will be safe.” He stood up and offered me his hand.

“Fine.” I grabbed his hand. .  His skin felt rough and calloused, but warm.

 Alex was sort of strange I guess, for the rest of our talks during lunch, every time I tried talking about him, he would always find a way to divert the conversation back about me. Which surprised me, usually people were abit self-centered in McKenzie falls. But there was something about him, as if he had a sort of secret or something to him, which made me want to know more about him. But I guess, maybe just maybe, I might find out in time.

The Silver MoonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ