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I walked through the woods, I barely remember how I even got here, all I knew was that I kept on walking without acknowledging where. I didn't care where I was going, I just wanted to be going somewhere. It took my mind of things, walks would always make me forget.

It was a little past five but it was still light. The woods were ominously quiet, almost frightening, all I could hear was the sound of my own breathing. The old, yellow and brown leaves hustled in the wind, as the sounds of dead, weak trees, creak at every push the wind gave. It's the end of fall and the air is colder than an ice cube, as it climbs through my jacket to the bottom of my spine. I shiver. Most of the leaves are already gone. And the sight of every living thing coming to an end, depresses me. I wrap my arms closely around my chest, suddenly feeling much colder.

The town of shoormoore had a lot of woods for one, the population was a little over 30,000. I had moved her from Florida a year ago, but somehow I still didn't feel like I belonged in this small town, I had somewhat not adapted well. Along the way, my legs gave in from under me, and I laid in the snow. I closed my eyes listening to the cold breeze wisp by my ears.

And that's when I heard the howls.

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