Chapter three

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“So hows school?” Mom said as she filled her cup with coffee, she was clearly struggling to stay awake.

“Fine really, we’ve been having a lot of essays, I guess. School break is in three days.” I turned around to look at her; she was clearly paying no attention.

“Oh, and we were groped, the main hall burst into flames.” She was still stirring her coffee, glancing at the table top, still paying no notice.

“Don’t make me forget the giant dog, which ate Mrs. Evans. Oh and all we have been learning about is sex sex sex and sex.

She snapped out of her trance, “Uh, that’s very interesting, honey.”

“Wait, what did I say again?” I pressed on, turning on my chair to face her, grinning.

“You said, uh, yes, you said…wait a second.” Mom said scratching her head with her index finger.

“Exactly. What must I do to have a voice in this household?”

I held my cup of hot cocoa in my hands, holding tightly around my unfeeling cold fingers, making the most out of the warmth from the drink. I lifted the cup to my lips and drank it, as it instantaneously warmed me up.

I momentarily look at the watch on my wrist, “I have to get going.” I scuffle for my backpack, swinging it over my shoulder, rushing for the door.

“ALLISON MORGAN.” I retreated back to the kitchen. My mother was leaning against the table, motioning for me to kiss her cheek. I rush forward and peck her cheek, and scamper out to the door.

I threw my backpack into the seat of my car, and get in to the driver’s seat, turning the engine on. The engine roard awake and I drove out of the driveway.

I turn the dial for some music, turning it loud.

The drive was short, and before I knew it I was already pulling up into the school car park. I was very lucky to even have a car, which my Granna had given me a few months ago, I now had as my dad said “formed at emotional connection and tether with the Audi”. 

I had arrived at school relatively early, about ten minutes earlier than usual. I opened my locker and rummaged through my bag, pulling out my class books for the day and pushing them into my tiny locker.  I looked into my small heart shaped mirror, that was blue tacked onto the frame of the locker. I adjusted my headband in my hair and sighed.  I had tried to best as i could to cover up the bags under my eyes, which my mother kept coaxing me to use concealer because she “didn’t want a zombie for a daughter” which was true. I had been looking almost dead recently, having alot of nights of insomnia and if there ever was a night that i could sleep, it would be constant nightmares. Wolves tormented my dreams, still. I was plagued with nightmares. My parents booked me for an appointment with a counselor after the incident in the woods, but it clearly go me nowhere, so I stopped going, I kept missing the sessions anyway.

“Allison!” Someone yelled from across the hallway pulling me out of my reverie. I glanced backwards to see Georgia running down the hall at full speed, carrying her guitar.

“Hey!” She panted. “I’ve been looking for you all aro-“     I couldn’t help but pull her into a hug, stopping her sentence mid-way.  I hadn’t seen her for a while, she’d gone to England for two weeks, she smelt like tarnished timber and of moss.

“I’ve missed you.” She laughed.  I pulled away and smiled. Georgia was my best friend and it had been that way for nine years. Georgia was wearing a tight while tank top, with a black skirt that fanned out around her. Her hair was in a high bun.

“How have you been, A?”

“Fine, I guess.”

“Is it still the, you know, dreams?” She said pointing to my head. I nodded.

“You could have called me, if you couldn’t sleep, you know.” She suggested, as we started walking for the fields.

“It would be quite selfish if i woke you up at 3 am to use you for entertainment during my insomnia, Georgia.”

“I was awake anyway, partying hard, the usual.” I couldn’t help but laugh quietly.

“Don’t laugh. I was!” Georgia laughed, yelled, nudging me with her shoulder, “England was so boring but there was no lack of hot boys, they compensated as eye-candy.”

We walked out into the fields, and she sat down leaning against the post, tipping her head back, eyes closed.

“Georgia. How’s Ebony?”  I said, almost inaudible, as I yanked a handful of grass from the ground. Ebony was Georgia’s sister, she was only a year younger, she had been awfully strange lately, always a silhouette. Her and Georgia were barely identical, she had coal black hair and coffee-brown eyes whilst Georgia had strawberry blonde hair and piercing olive eyes. Georgia was naturally pretty, making me feel like a sort of troll when with her. But I got used to it.

“She’s almost there, I guess. She sometimes isn’t there. As in she’s just sitting there sometimes, quiet, you don’t notice her presence, I know it’s weird. Ebony sits on that swing for hours on end, if I wouldn’t tell her to come in she would stay there all night. But she’s better, she’s opening up abit more to me, especially. We talk about the weather sometimes, all that stuff.”

“Oh, that’s good then.” I smiled encouragingly, wrinkling my nose. “Nice guitar.”

“Yeah,” she stroked the strings with her fingers, “Found it in a guitar shop in London, it’s perfect.”

“I’ve missed you. It’s been boring as hell without you. There was nothing to do.”

“Everyone missed me! They crave my presence as I’m such an important person.”

“HA-HA!” I yelled, grabbing a handful of pebbles and throwing them at her, making her laugh hysterically.

The bell rang so loud we could hear it from the middle of the field, Georgia sprang up and heaved me up from the grass.

“Come on. Let’s at least try to not be late for our class.” She grabbed me by the hand and yanked me across the green. Seeing as Mr. Brown tended to be early for every single class, and if you came in before him, you’d get in trouble, even if you were on time.

“Let’s not hearten a lecture from Mr Brown, not after the last time.” I threw my backpack over my shoulder. We ran back inside, rushing past the tide of students also hurrying to their classrooms.

“Don’t be so late or I will be forced to bring you after school!” Georgia said in her best imitation of Mr. Brown, “Plus his breathe reeks! UGH!” She put his finger inside her mouth making vomiting noises, I laughed, covering my mouth with my hands.



Georgia and I ran into the class, apparently we were early, seeing as everyone was talking, engrossed in their conversations. I sat down, followed by Georgia who sat behind me. I yanked out my book from my bag, and started highlighting things, sticking the pen lid between my teeth. I started skimming through the page and highlighting with my green highlighter

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