Chapter 26 - Lucius

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Lucius heard a faint knock on the door and spun around quickly, eager to receive the report on his son's activities.

"Enter, Corbyn," he called, as he strode towards the door of his stately flat.

A stooped man entered looking careworn. He was dressed in black robes that looked as though they'd seen better days. Lucius grimaced as he took in Corbyn's appearance, noticing less his garment, more his expression.

"My lord," said Corbyn, dipping himself further forward into a bow.

Lucius scowled, "What did I tell you about this Lord business? I have no interest in being your savior, Corbyn, now stand up and give your report. What news?"

"S- sorry, Sir, f- force of habit still, I 'spose," he said, and bowed again. Lucius rolled his eyes and looked away, waiting for the man to deliver his information.

"I've been following him carefully, as you requested Sir, and he did indeed go to the Ministry to get the marriage paperwork prior to Ms. Greengrass's leave for her family's foreign estate."

Giving Corbyn a frustrated frown, he said, "That I knew, her Father confirmed it with me of course, now what new and/or useful information do you have for me?"

Corbyn looked down at his feet, clearly ashamed, but recovered quickly.

"He left the Ministry that evening with Potter, I don't know where they went but they were discussing dinner, so I assume-"

"Yes, I'm well aware they've struck up a friendship, though I can't imagine why Potter made such concessions, now do go on."

"Yes, Sir, well I imagine it will only be to our advantage if the Malfoy name becomes synonymous with Potter. Considering all we're- you're planning, Sir, it would be useful to have someone so high up and respected on our side."

"I don't pay you for advice, Corbyn," he hissed, "I pay you to spy and sneak and REPORT!"

Corbyn whimpered slightly, as Lucius turned and strode toward the floor to ceiling windows overlooking the North Sea.

"Although... you do make a good point, I can't deny it. When I make my move to have the International Statute of Secrecy revoked under my new proposed order, it would be sensible to have some influential names on our side. I admit that Potter had been, in my mind, a non-starter, but perhaps if we had Draco work him on it from an inside track... over time..."

"Draco would do so splendidly, my L- Sir!" Corbyn added, excitedly, "he's managed to shift the opinions of so many who reviled him in the past already, I'm confident he'd be-"

Lucius wasn't listening but still talking, mostly to himself.

"I'd need to get the right leverage over Draco, of course, to get him to act for me. At present, he's still quite angry with me, especially with this marriage promise business, even though I am doing this for his own good. Every unattached witch in Britain will soon be after his money, and this way he can have that part secured and take up with anyone he pleases, what young man wouldn't want that? I still can't understand his disapproval-"

"-take for example the mudblood girl," Corbyn said, as he'd continued to talk over Lucius' mutterings. It was the use of the derogatory term that caught Lucius's ear.

Lucius drew his wand and pointed it at Corbyn, sending him flying and pinning him against the far wall. "DO NOT USE THAT WORD!" he shouted as he stalked menacingly toward him.

"You don't listen very well, do you Corbyn?"

"S- Sir?"

"I've told you time and again, it will not help our efforts to appear prejudiced against those of inferior blood. Ours is a plan to unite with them, to have our magic out in the open, but to keep them controlled this time. Don't you remember?"

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