Chapter 8 - Pet Names

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Harry let out a low whistle and shifted his grip on Ron's arm to make it more secure. They stood in the grand entrance hall having just watched Rita Skeeter vanish into the library, surely ready to grill Hermione to within an inch of her life.

"I... don't have words for what I just witnessed," Draco said, still staring at the library door, aghast.

"She just offered herself up as a sacrifice, mate," Harry said, turning to look at Draco, "for you."

Draco nodded slowly, "that does seem to be the case, doesn't it?"

He swallowed. His stomach was suddenly in knots again. To say he was flabbergasted by that utterly undeserved gesture of kindness on the part of Hermione Granger would be the understatement of many centuries to come.

"Why'd she do that, Malfoy? Is- is there... er- something going on between the two of you?"

"Honestly Potter, if you had asked me that mere hours ago I would have laughed in your face, but now I'm not sure I know anything at all."

Ron grunted and flung his right leg out, aiming at nothing in particular and moaned something incoherent. They both looked down, suddenly reminded of the fact that they were meant to be escorting an incredibly drunk Ron out of this very civilized party.

At that moment, a shock of fiery red hair came flying around the corner.

"Oh have we come to this point, then?" Ginny shouted in her brother's general direction. She had her hands on her hips and approached them with determination, though not taking her eyes off Ron.

Glancing up at her husband briefly, she muttered, "Hello my love."

"Darling," he responded with a routine nod, as if this thing with Ron were a regular occurrence. Rita had implied as much.

"How are you Malfoy?" Ginny asked, looking up at him. Draco started.

"Been better, you?" Draco replied with a note of confusion in his voice at being addressed kindly by Ginny. He couldn't remember ever being addressed by her at all. Then again, when you got to know one half of a couple, you tended to be known by both, even if unbeknownst to you.

She cocked her head to the side smirking and said, "same."

They all looked down at the mess of a man at their feet.

"What d'you reckon? Aparate him up to his room and seal him in?" Harry asked mildly.

"Hardly a plan!" Ginny exclaimed, "What if he needs the loo and decides to ruin Appoline's silk sheets instead?"

Harry grimaced, "Fair point, wife."

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Must you have settled on that pet name? I feel you can be more creative, Harry Potter. Please don't give me reason to feel I've made the wrong choice of husband."

"I'll work on it, Ginnybeans," he grinned.

She turned to Draco, conspiratorially, "You know, I didn't think it could actually get worse."

"Ah, he's not all bad, Weaslette. Give him some time, he'll mature like a fine wine," Draco said, looking proudly over at his friend.

"Weaselette, eh? Are you playing now too, Malfoy? I don't think you really want to get into any games with me," she was smiling but her eyes looked severe. Ginny seemed to have the ability to look angry but glad in the same moment, it must have been why people often called her "fierce" by way of compliment.

"You're right, actually. I am quite terrified of your hexing skills. I shall henceforth abstain from all pet name games."

Harry looked between the two of them, grinning.

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