JaeYong Wolf AU

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"Jae" Taeyong whispers holding his mate's face.

"Tae" Jaehyun mumbles trying to stay awake.

Taeyong smiles with tears in his eyes.

"You are going to be okay. Kun will be here any minute. He will, he will heal you okay?" Taeyong said as the cries of wolves around him is getting louder.

"You have to run away from here baby" Jaehyun said holding Taeyong's face with blood on his hand.

"No! I'm not going to leave you" Taeyong croaks out as the tears started to slip down his face.

"B-but you have to baby, for me and for our future son" Jaehyun reasons out coughing more blood.

"No Jae. Please no please" Taeyong cries hugging Jaehyun to his chest.

"I love you so fucking much Tae" Jaehyun whispers before closing his eyes.

"Jae? Jae! Come on! Wake up!" Taeyong cries shaking Jaehyun.

"Aww. The big great alpha is dead. I could have play with him for a few minutes." Seunghoon said with fake hurt in his voice.

Taeyong snap his head towards Seunghoon with his eyes glowing red.

Seunghoon steps back cowering in fear.

"You are the one. The one in the prophecy" Seunghoon whispers before Taeyong stands up.

Taeyong walk towards Seunghoon, every step he takes, the earth shakes, the wind pick a pace twirling, the earth cracks and the sky darkens.

Seunghoon shouted for his troops to fall back but it's too late everyone is annihilated.

I should or should I?

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