Chapter 1

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Authors note- This is my first story so no hate please! I love Keeper of the Lost Cities. I hope you enjoy! Also ~  means they are using telepathy.

The light brings Sophie to Everglen's  Giant magnificent walls. Sophie, Biana, Fitz, Keefe, Dex, Linh, and Tam were all having a sleepover at Biana and Fitz's house.

"Sophie!" Biana squeals as she runs towards Sophie to give her a hug. "We haven't seen each other in so long!"

Sophie drops her bags so she can hug Biana. "I know, I've just been so busy with Foxfire, and helping Edaline and Grady with the animals, I've just lost track of time." Sophie answers.

"Hey!" Someone says. His crisp voice was unmistakable, it was Fitz. The person who brought her to the Elvin world. The person who Sophie has had a big time crush on for so long. She tried to ignore it. But right when their eyes met Sophie's stomach did the stupid fluttery thing.

"Hi, Fitz." Sophie said shyly. She was blushing so much the whole world could see it.

Fitz walked over to her and gave her a hug. Sophie awkwardly hugs him back. He smelled like mallowmelt. Sophie's favorite Elvin food. Sophie seemed to drift into the hug until someone clears their throat. They pull out of the hug and see all of their friends there, staring. Biana was so happy she could've had hearts in her eyes. Keefe and Dex were glaring at them. While Linh and Tam stood their awkwardly"Let's go inside." Biana said still staring at the two of them excitedly. 

When they got in they decided to go to Biana's room. It was giant, It could probably fit half of foxfire in there. As they put their stuff down they each picked a sleeping bag. The sleeping bags were in a circle with their heads in the middle and their feet on the outsides. Sophie picked one right next to Biana, then Fitz Sprinted to the one right next to Sophie. Next to Fitz was Dex, and then Tam, and Linh. 

Keefe ran into the room while everyone was on their sleeping bags and unpacking. 

"Where were you?" Biana asked Keefe as he chose the last sleeping bag, right in between Linh and Biana. 

"My hair was a mess!" Keefe practically yelled.

When everyone was set up Linh screeched " Lets play truth or dare!"

" No." Keefe answered acting more serious then usual.

"Ugh, Why not?" asks Linh.

"Something happened last time, so we are never going to play that again." Fitz said awkwardly.

"Do you know what happened last time? asked Linh clearly directing the question towards Sophie.

" I wasn't there but Yes. And it is not my secret to tell."

Biana whispered "Transmit the secret to Linh.

Before Sophie could think she opened her mind and told Linh. "Someone gave a dare for Keefe to kiss Biana."

Before Sophie even transmitted the whole thing Linh's eyes widened in excitement. " Oh, Wow."

"Sophie! Why did you tell her?" Keefe said annoyingly.

"I got permission from Biana." 

" Ummmm you guys, I want to know." Said Tam. 

Before anyone could say anything Biana yells " NO."

"Hey, if Linh can know so can Tam." Fitz says mischievously. 

Biana and Keefe's faces were both very red. Before anyone could do anything  Dex whispered the secret into Tam's ear.

"DEX!" Biana screamed. 

Tam's laugh seemed forced as he thought about the secret.

At the perfect time Della came in with a plate of mallowmelt. Everybody's eyed widened with excitement as they each took one. They all mumbled a thank you while Della left. 

The friends heard the sound of paper crinkling as Biana tried to shove something in her sleeping bag.

"what is that? Asked Fitz.

"Nothing." Biana answered way too quickly.

Out of nowhere Keefe snatched it out of Biana's hand.

He read " Fitzroy Avery Vacker, as you know to get your matchmaking list you ha- wait you got your matchmaking list? asked Keefe surprisingly.

"No" Fitz said. his face was as red as a tomato. "I- I was just thinking about it. He took a glance at Sophie to see what her reaction was.

Sophie was surprised, she forgot that they could be getting their matchmaking packets now. But it seems like such a young age to be getting them.

"You know what, I have an idea. Biana says. How about we all get our matchmaking lists at the same time." 

Everybody said yes accept for Sophie. They all looked at her. She really wanted to know who was on her list but, is she ready for such a big step in life? "Ya let's do it." Sophie said before she could change her mind.

Sorry, this one wasn't very uneventful. I promise the next one will be better if more people read this. I think i already know the ships but you can tell me some if you'd like. Bye!

KOTLC Never ending story.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ