Chapter 4 - King of Babies

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1000 up reads!!! OMG!!!!!!! Thank you guys, thank you SOOOOOOOOOOO much!! You got no idea how much this means.... I'm sorry for the late upload, but well I had some problems!!

Thanks again and PLEASE do vote and comment... I welcome constructive critism with open arms.... :P

Sweat trickled down the man's face as a fiery hand neared him, threatening to roast him alive. 

'Where is it?' the owner of the hand hissed at the man who was tied to a pillar. 

'I - I don't know,' the man replied, shivering in fright. 

The flame that engulfed the hand roared. 

'It's true, it's true... I - I - I don't know anything.' 

'You think I'm a fool?' Sersha spat. 'Tell me where - ' 

She broke off as a phone rang.  

'Excuse me,' she told the man apologetically, before extinguishing the fire and picking up her phone. 'Hello?' 

'SERSHA!' the person on the other end screamed.  

Sersha almost jumped in shock. 'Clint? What's wrong?' 

'It's him, Sersha,' Clint replied, slightly panicking. 'I know it now. It's Loki's plan. He wants to kill us all one by one.' 

Sersha rolled her eyes. 'Seriously Clint, he's a BABY!' 

'No, he's just pretending to be one. I know it! I tried telling Fury but he won't listen. This is Loki's secret plan to get his revenge' 

She sighed. 'What's wrong?' 

'He tried to kill me. And lemme add, he almost managed to.' 

'Alright listen; I really don't have time for your jokes right now. I'm on a mission - a rather boring one but a mission nevertheless.' 

'I am serious, Sersha!' 

'So am I. He's a BABY. I get it babies are a hard to deal with, especially Loki, but keep him away from fire and the Tesseract and everything will be fine.' 

'He's - ' 

'I'm busy Clint. I gotta go.' With this she cut the line. 

Swearing Clint too hung up. 

'Sasa?' a voice (which he was really starting to despise) reached the archer's ears. Clint glared at Loki, but did not answer the question he so "lovingly" asked.

When Sersha had told Clint that she had a hard time dealing with Loki, the archer readied himself to face some mischievous kid. But it was only later he realized that perhaps Loki had been "generous" to his girl friend. 

'SASA!!' Loki had cried with outstretched hands when Sersha turned to go, leaving him with Clint. (a few hours earlier that day) 

'Oww look Sersha, he wants to be with you,' Clint said, grinning. 'You can keep him; I won't mind a wee bit.' 

But all Sersha did was say 'Nice try Legolas,' before marching off without a backward glance. 

'You seemed to have pissed her off, little guy,' Clint told Loki. The baby just popped out his tongue in reply. 

Clint just shook his head, quickly putting Loki down on a table. It was bad (and creepy) enough to be babysitting his enemy. There was absolutely NO WAY he was going to carry him around in his lap. The very thought made him sick. Carry his intergalactic arch enemy - who by the way tried to conquer the world - in his lap! 

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