Its just me

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Im violet.. I remember being little, my mom loved me and my 2 brothers unconditionally. I was the only girl and I had a brother named Craig and a brother named John. John is the oldest being 13 and I am the youngest being 7 which made Craig the middle child being 10. I never really had a father he walked out on us after my mom had me. My mom worked at a factory downtown all night and day so I had to stay home alone with my brothers 24/7. She had met this new guy down by where she worked at.. his name was Paul. They were friends at first and she somehow fell in love with the guy.. I hated Paul, and so did Craig and John. He'd come in late at night and him and mom would argue, it would keep us up all night. It was a Sunday night around 8pm mom told the boys to go get ready for bed because they had school in the morning. She then told me I had to stay home with Paul because I had a doctors appointment at 12 tomorrow but she picked up a shift so Paul would be watching me just until she got off of work. I begged mom to call off because I didn't like her boyfriend and did not want to stay home with him. She told me everything would be okay and by the time I woke up she'd be home. Paul then tried to comfort me and told me that he and I would have "fun" while my mom was at work. He kind of made me feel better. I woke up the next morning around 10am and the house was very quiet. I knew mom was at work but I thought I was home alone so I went to moms room to see if Paul was awake and when I opened the door I saw a women with all of her clothes off and I seen Paul's private part. When they seen me open the door, they started rushing to put their clothes on, I ran to my room and locked my door. About 30 minutes later.. "Violet!!" I heard.. paul tried to open my room door but it was locked. He told me if I didn't open the door he was going to break my door down .. I was so scared, I just sat there and Paul knocked my door down. He jumped on me slapped me on the right side of my face.. I was so weak I couldn't do anything .. he began to pull my clothes down, I tried to stop him but he hit me again. He then raped me and told me that if I told mom about anything that happened today, he'd kill me. Before Paul left my room he fixed my door so that when mom got home she wouldn't question me about what happened and why my door was broken. I sat in my room and cried until mom got home from work. Mom knocked on my room door to see if I was awake and I pretended to be sleep. When mom opened my room door, I had my head under my pillow so that she wouldn't see how ugly my eye looked just after Paul had put his hands on me and raped me. She sat on my bed & wiggles my body and said "poopa wake up" mom called me poopa every since I was a little baby, I loved that name.. but when Paul would call me it, it made me feel uncomfortable.. I always knew it was something about him. When mom continued to wiggle me I said "huh" & as I came from under the cover she walked out of the room and told me to get ready because we were running late. She was in her room changing from out of her work clothes when Paul pretended to be sleeping. I was so anxious to tell mom what happened but I was afraid Paul might've hurt me again. She walked in my room and asked if I was ready.. she stumbled over her words & started sobbing in anger "POOPA WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR DAMN EYE" .. "I.. I fell" I said. "Violet Nicole Richardson you did not fucking fall now if you don't TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR EYE!! NOW!!" At this point Paul was walking in the room and he asked mom why was she screaming. Mom began to go off on Paul about how he wasn't watching me while she was gone for work. "I ASKED YOU TO DO ONE THING & THAT WAS WATCH POOPA WHILE I PICKED UP MY SHIFT YOU COULD NOT EVEN DO THAT". Paul then told mom if she didn't get out of his face he'd kill her. "Nigga you ain't gone do-".. mom & Paul continues to scream & I felt a lot of different emotions.. it just came out "Mama Paul hit me in my eye.. he raped me & there was a girl in here and I was so scared momma please don't be mad at.." everything was just coming out and Paul ran into moms room and reached under the bed for his shot gun. I always knew where he kept it because Craig & John always played with it while mom & Paul were at work. "Poopa I want you to run over to Miss Gilmores house ok bby I promise I'll be over to get you run as fast as you can!!!!" Miss Gilmore was our neighbor but she stayed across the street from us.. her and mommy was really close, they always called each other best friends. As I'm running across the street I hear about 3 shots go off. I'm banging on Miss Gilmores door. As I'm banging I see Paul running outside of the house with the shotgun as if he's looking for me. Miss Gilmore opened the door & asked what was wrong. I told her that we had to hurry inside & lock all of the doors. She pulled me inside of her house and locked every door & window that she had. She asked me what was wrong & I explained everything to her about how my mom had this psycho boyfriend. She told me I was in good hands & that she would keep me safe. Miss Gilmore lived by herself she had no kids & her husband had a heart attack about a few years ago. We suddenly heard banging at the door. She told me to hide in the basement closet & to not leave the closet until she came down and got me. I went to the basement & hid in the closet. I heard her open the front door & I heard Paul begin to ask if I had came over but he stumbled over his words & it was silent for about 10 seconds.. "Auntie?" .... "Paul.. is that you?" Miss Gilmore always told my mom how she had a nephew who was in jail for killing his wife & her kids. I guess Miss Gilmore didn't know that Paul had gotten out of jail. "Auntie I need you to do me a favor, let me inside so we can talk" "Paul I'm afraid I can't do tha-" *BANG* Paul had shot his aunt.. I began to cry.. I didn't know if mom was okay, I didn't know if Miss Gilmore was ok.. I didn't know what to do. "Poopa honey, it's time to come home with daddy" .. as I stated before, I hated when Paul called me Poopa, it creeped me out. I was even more creeped out that he had called himself my "daddy. He heard me crying & I heard his footsteps getting closer to the basement. I put my hand over my mouth so that Paul wouldn't hear me crying.. it got really really quiet. Paul snatched the closet door open & snatched me up. "You are in HUGE trouble, I'm gonna take you home & teach you a lesson" I thought about a lot. I was hoping that someone popped up at the house to help me.. I was so scared. As I was walking out of the door I saw Misses Gilmore body rapped up in her black rug that was right before her front door. She was dead. I felt like everything was all my fault.. Paul took me home & there was blood everywhere.. I didn't see mommy, but I saw blood. "FUCK, THAT BITCH GOT AWAY" I'm guessing mommy was still alive but I was just hoping she went and got help, I wanted mommy to survive.. she was strong I know she went to get help. Paul took me up to mommys room, she always said that the kids weren't allowed in her room. I was wondering why Paul was taking me there. He tied me to mommy chair on the side of her dresser and put tape over my mouth. "I'm gonna be right back Poopa (laughing) you like that name don't you?" I couldn't say anything but I wanted to spit in his face. "You better be here when I get back.. daddy don't want to hurt you" Paul said. He walked out of the room & was gone for quite some time. I knew he went to look for mommy. The boys came home & I heard Craig say "is that blood?" They ran up the stairs & checked my room, then checked mommy room.. "are you ok Violet?" The boys untied me & I told them we had no time to talk LETS LEAVE. As we're walking out of the front door we see 2 black cars pull up with really deep tent on their windows. "Awwwllll that muuuufucka sweet" said Craig. "BOY SHUT UP, THIS IS NOT A PLAYING MATTER RIGHT NOW" said John. He told Craig and I to run out of the back door and run to get help but Craig always wanted to be the oldest and be like John so he told John that he was staying with him. I couldn't go alone so I decided to stay also. None of us had phones to call anyone for help. Mom said that we were too young and that we didn't know how to behave so she felt like we didn't deserve a phone, plus mom job only paid her enough to feed us and pay the rent every month. We never had a real Christmas, on our birthdays, mom baked us a homemade cake and sung us happy birthday.. that's it. I guess you can say we were poor. Back to the story.. the men jumped out of the cars.. it was 3 men in each car and they had on ALL BLACK. Each of them had very big guns. John said "leave us alone man, Paul isn't here" they snatched us up and threw us in the cars. I thought .. where are they taking us? The whole car ride the men were smoking marijuana and loading guns. I was in the car alone and they took Craig and John together. We're gonna call them the men in black. The car that my brothers were in followed us. I was in the backseat and there was a man sitting next to me. All of these men that I was in the car with had a tattoo on their neck, I was young so I didn't think nothing of it, maybe it was a coincidence, the tattoo was a number 5 with 2 lines on the side of it. All of these men also had on a face mask. I studied the men so when I got away, I could tell the police all about them. We pulled up to this abandoned building under a viaduct. When we got inside. There were 3 other kids & another lady. They had them tied up and it looked as if they were hungry or haven't had any food or water in days. I was so scared I thought of so many ways to escape. After days of being locked in this cold building. The men came back with bread & water. They took their mask off and I heard "PAUL WHERE IS MY MOM? WHY ARE YOU DOING THI-" Paul cut John off and said "EAT YOUR FOOD NOW" we ate and all of the men left. I didn't recognize any of them but Paul. I just continuously wondered why he would do this to us. It was about 2am Wednesday night we were still stuck, cold, hungry, & scared. They didn't tie us up, so I wondered why they tied the other lady & her 3 kids up. I dozed off & I felt a tap on my shoulder.. "Violet were gonna get you out of here let's go" said John. He told me that he was going to lift me up to climb out of the highest window in the building because it was the only one open. We climbed out and began to walk. I wish we could've helped the other people that was in the building. I told the boys that we'd go get help & come back to get them. We began to walk.. we were miles away from the city but we were determined to get help, it took us about 3 hours to get home. We went to the police station to tell the police everything that had happened.. we also wanted to find mom. They told us she was in the hospital and she's fighting for her life. We told them about the lady & 3 other kids at the building & they went to look for them. The police took us to see mom.. the doctor said mom had been paralyzed and she was pregnant.. with twins... they also said either she'd die giving birth or the twins wouldn't make it after birth, it could be both. I felt so bad for my mommy, she wouldn't talk, eat, she didn't show any emotion.. she just sat in the hospital bed in blank stare. When she see the boys & I, she looked at us & looked away.. I was confused because mommy was always happy to see her kids.. she loved us, what's happening?
We stayed the night in the hospital with mommy because we had no where else to go. Like I said before, my "father" walked out on us when my mom had me and we didn't really have any other family other than my grandma. We missed days of school all because of the tragedy that Paul had caused. I was traumatized. Then something came to me "MISS GILMORE" I screamed. So much had happened that I had forgot to tell the police about Paul killing Miss Gilmore. The police officer that was in the hospital took me down to the police station. They called the detective, and we headed back over to the street that we lived on. They asked me a lot of different questions, it kind of made me nervous. As we're getting closer to the street, we see smoke. We pulled up and Miss Gilmore house was on fire. The police instantly called a fire truck and they seen someone in ALL BLACK running from the back of the house. They started to chase him but couldn't catch him. I believe it was Paul, but he had on all black just like the men that kidnapped my brothers and I, so I didn't know if it was him or one of his men in black. Back at the hospital, the doctors said that mom had to get her belly cut open to take the babies out because if she went her whole 9 months of pregnancy, she wouldn't make it. "Hey momma how you doing" ".. fine" she replied. I instantly started crying.. my own mom didn't even love me anymore I thought. I was falling apart. Cps walked into my moms hospital room to ask her a few questions, mom barely responded so they had to talk to John about the decision that they were going to make because he was the oldest. They said that we'd all have to split up and go to different homes. Craig and I began holding each other crying. I didn't want to leave my brothers, mom, Craig, and John were all I had how could they take them all way from me? They said that we'd have to wake up bright and early tomorrow morning to meet our new families.. we cried and held each other all night while mom slept, she was drowsy from the medicine that they gave her. It was the next morning and I was a little anxious but nervous to meet my new family. Craig and John had already left and I was last to go.. when the family arrived to pick me up. They had a older son. His name was Michael. Mike was a very tall, handsome, very good looking guy. "Hey, I'm mike.. what's your name?" "V.. Violet.. I'm Violet but MOMMY LIKE TO CALL ME POOPA" "I like that name a lot" "NO ONLY MOM CAN CALL ME POOPA" I said to mike. Mike told me he was 17. He was 10 years older than me but he seemed very nice. "Hello gorgeous, my name is Leslie.. i am very honored to meet you" she's pretttttttyyyyyy I though to myself. My new mom had the looks, money, hair, she had everything. "Oh there you guys are I had to run to the restroom" said a guy that LOOKED EXACTLY LIKE PAUL. "NO HE'S GOING TO KILL ME, this is the man that raped me" I began to point but no one believed me. They told me I was just young and scared and that I was in good hands. As I tried to convince the police to believe me that Paul was the killer, & a rapist. Paul smiled the whole time as if he was innocent. "How do you know this man violet" said one of the police. "HE WAS MY MOM BOYFRIEND, he is the one that shot my mommy and he is the one that raped me.. I'm not lying".. "well, what is this mans name?" "ITS PAUL IM SERIOUS" "Hey sir can we take a look at your ID?" He showed the police officer his ID and it read "Richard Blackston" paul had gotten his name changed. Back then I didn't know that you could get a rape kit to see if you had been raped. The police and doctors didn't care and everyone just thought that I was lying about the whole entire thing. They made me feel like I was delusional. I mean, I know I'm only 7 but I know what I'm talking about this man is evil. The whole ride home Mike looked at me out the corner of his eye, it made me feel so very uncomfortable.. I put my head inside of my jacket and fell asleep until we got to the house. The drive was sooooo long and the new house was so far away. When we pulled up to the new house, it was HUGE. I couldn't believe it. The house was basically a mansion. Leslie was white, mike was mixed so I'm guessing he was "Richard" son. When we got inside, they showed me to my room. It had flowers all over the walls, it was painted pink, my bed was HUGE and they had my name already painted on the wall as if they were planning on taking me from my mommy. It took me a while to get comfortable but as soon as I did, I went to bed. The next morning Leslie came into my room and woke me up and told me that she was going to take me to get enrolled into a school down the street from the new house. I had to catch the bus every morning. Weeks went by & I started to feel more at home. "Richard" started to creep me out. I would sometimes catch him peeking in my room late at night watching me while I sleep.. even in the morning at the breakfast table he'd eye ball me & smile. I missed my mommy, I miss John & I also missed Craig but it was nothing I could do to ever see them again. I thought about running away. Instead I just suffered. I know it may sound weird, I was living with the man that raped me, paralyzed my mom, & killed my moms best friend, our neighbor. He wasn't being suspicious anymore.. stuff started to actually seem normal again. Fast forward to 8 years. I am now 15 going on 16. We still live in this big ass house & im still stuck with these crazy ass rich bitches. My life is hell actually. As a matter of fact, I hate all these mfs. The other night I laid in bed on the phone with my boyfriend. His name is Torren.. everybody at school called him Tdawg tho, that shit deadass corny as fuck to me. I just call that nigga bae. Richard came in the house drunk & came into my room picking with me "who tf you on the phone with" "get out my room yo breath smell like beer omg" Torren drove.. he was 17. He had his license I just felt like I had the best boyfriend ever, all the girls wanted him. He asked me if I wanted him to come pick me up because Richard was tripping. He came & got me. When he pulled up, Richard was outside smoking. "THE FUCK YOU DOING AT MY HOUSE LITTLE ASS BOY?" Richard in the front of the house DRUNK yelling at my boyfriend. Leslie gone, and Mike didn't live with us anymore, he had moved out, met the "girl of his dreams" and had a baby. I hated living with Richard or should I say PAUL and Leslie because I couldn't do shit. I couldn't go over my boyfriend house and when I went over there, I always snuck out. I went out the back door and snuck in baes car. I told him to ignore Richard and pull off. As we're in the car.. he's feeling on me, rubbing my thighs. Kissing me every time we stopped at a red light. I was a Virgin.. I didn't know what Torren was doing nor thinking. Plus he was a little older. I was always afraid of sex because of when Richard raped me. It hurted so bad to the point where I never really thought about sex. Torren would always talk nasty to me when we'd be on the phone or texting.. I'd just play along and act like I knew what I was talking about. We're about 7 minutes away from the house.. Torren is SPEEDING!!! Like doing 80 in a 60.. "you're drunk aren't you?" "Nah baby I'm just tranna get you to my house, you need some rest, imma put you in a hot bath, get you some of my boxers and a tee shirt, moms cooked.. you gone be straight relax" he made me feel so much better. When I was with Torren, he always made me forget about everything that I had been through, he put me on cloud 9. We got to his house and he did exactly what he told me he would do, shit he even rubbed my feet and put some of my bath and body works lotion on me that I had kept over there. We were laying in his bed watching Netflix. I loved when Torren laid behind me and wrapped his arms around me, like I said.. he made me feel good. I started to feel his private part push up on my Booty. It felt huge, but every time I thought about that, I'd think about what Richard did to me. To avoid having sex with Torren, I turned the other way and laid on his chest.. "you straight?" "Yeah I'm good, thanks for asking bae.. I really appreciate it". I think Torren though that since I was young, it was gonna be easy to get over on me.. I was smart tho. I knew everything about men. It's about 1am and shit I'm tired so I'm dozing off. I'm sleep for a few hours and hear a lot of noise at the bottom of the bed so I wake up to see where bae went. He was at the end of the bed drinking liquor. When he noticed that I was woke he tried to hide it. "Damn baby, I ain't mean to wake you" "nah you straight I'm jus having a bad dream" i had to think of something to say that'll make Torren come back to bed and lay with me. He dropped the bottle and it broke all of the floor.. I was scared at this point. "Bae you ok?" He didn't say anything. He turned off the light in the room and at this point I can't see shit.. couldn't even see him. "Bae this ain't funny just come back to bed I'm tired" this nigga still ain't saying shit.. I was so scared. He pushed me on the bed and got on top of me. He started kissing my neck and feeling all on me. I didn't like it this time, I was uncomfortable. "Torren get the fuck off of me bro" he just kept going. I felt his private part RAM inside of me. He didn't go slow.. he didn't ask if I wanted it or was I comfortable like I thought he'd do.. he just did it. I'm laying in the bed crying.. sobbing, tranna get this nigga up off me. I guess you can say he raped me shit I didn't wanna do it, regardless of him being my boyfriend.. I told you no. He just kept going until he got his satisfaction and he got up off of me, laid down on the other side of the bed and went straight to sleep. I got up and ran to the bathroom. It was blood all over my fucking clothes.. I thought, am I dying? I'm in the bathroom using up all these people tissue tranna clean myself up. I never had a period so I thought maybe it could've been that. I'm 15 dawg I didn't know shit about a cherry being popped or nun. I was ready to goooo dawg. I ain't wanna go back to Leslie house with Richard drunk ass but I didn't wanna stay here with Torren drunk ass. My best friend name was Malorie, everybody called her Mal tho. I met her my 8th grade year & we went into high school together. We were only freshman's but this bitch was a real bay bay kid, she stole her parents car at night, she did all kinds of shit. Only difference between us is that she's a year older than me. I called her to see if she could Uber me to her house "man bitch you gotta come get me now, I'm at Torren house his drunk ass just raped me come take me to the ER" "alright bitch I'm omw have yo shit on & be outside I'm 3 minutes away" she got there quick af & the whole time I'm confused on how this bitch knew where my dude stayed at. But fuck that, that's the least of my worries rn I'm tranna go get checked. I'm at the hospital and Mal stayed with me over night.. one thing I THOUGHT about Mal was that she was a real ass friend because she was there with me through thick and thin. Just to remind y'all, it's the next morning & im laying in a hospital bed. I get a text from "Bae" I put so many emojis next to that nigga name.. all that shit was dead. The doctors came in & told me they had to run test on me to make sure I don't have any sexual transmitted diseases and they also had a rape kit. It took at 3 hours for the results to come back and they told me I had AIDS. They said that I've had it every since the first time I got raped which was when I was 7. So that mean I had this shit my whole life and I didn't know shit about it. It had spread so bad that they had to IMMEDIATELY get me treated because if it had gotten any worse I could die any time soon. So guess what? I just gave this nigga Torren AIDS!! My mom has AIDS!! Paul had AIDS! LESLIE HAS AIDS!! wtf am I gonna do? I'm sitting in this hospital bed in SHOCK!! I didn't know what to say or who to call. So I thought, you know what imma call Torren rapist ass. "I'm so scared to tell Torren" I said to Mal. "Girl don't call him" I was confused on why my best friend wasn't being the supportive best friend that she usually had been. "There's something I need to tell you" I knew it!!!! My blood was boiling. "BITCH YOU FUCKED MY MAN, YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TORREN MEANT TO ME" I was crying so hard. She said "girl you know that booty ass nigga get around, he don't fwy frl he just wanted to take yo virginity". If I had the strength I would've got up and knocked her dumb ass out. As we're going back and forth, the doctor walked in and asked me if I felt safe going home. I told them yeah because I didn't feel safe at the hospital so they had got me my prescription and signed me out. The only reason they didn't call Les and Richard is because I told them not to, I was scared of what might've happened. Les and Richard didn't try calling me to see where I was at or anything. The whole ride home Mal was quiet. She didn't even look at me. I got tired of holding my words in. "So how could you do this to me? Your own best friend.." "I don't wanna talk about the shit" she replied. "How the fuck am I gonna tell my mom and dad that I got Aids" she asked me. "Bitch maybe if you wasn't fucking on my man you wouldn't have AIDS". Mal was quiet and she didn't say anything else the whole ride home. I got home and Les was at the front door waiting on me. "Where were you at all night" "don't question me on where I was at when you didn't bother calling me" I hated that bitch guts. I wonder if she knew she had AIDS. I didn't gaf if she didn't know, I wanted all these mfs to suffer and die. I know wishing death on someone is harsh, but so what. Fuck them. I got in, took a bath and took my first pill, I laid in bed and watched tv for a little bit. I started thinking about Torren. I missed my baby. I know I sound dumb, but he was all I had. I thought maybe he was just drunk last night, he didn't mean to hurt me. I called him and he finally picked up the phone "wassop shorty why haven't I heard from you?" "Torren we need to talk." "What's wrong?" I asked him did he remember what happened last night and he claim he didn't so I told him everything that he did and how drunk he was. He told me he was on his way over and we were gonna sit in the car and talk. When he pulled up, nigga. I looked a mess. I had on a scarf, the hospital gave me these big ass diapers to wear because I was bleeding. I was a mess. "V wtf you got on you look a mess" my eyes got so watery I felt like my own boyfriend wasn't even attracted to me anymore. I got straight to the point and told him I had aids. "Dude I went to the doctors and they told me I got AID-" Torren slapped the shit outta me. "Bitch you mean to tell me you burnt me." "NIGGA YOU RAPED ME". I jumped out of his car and ran in the house. I cried for hoursssss man I didn't get any sleep. Our school was having a lock in party and everybody that I went to school went tried to convince me to go, but nah I was so hurt. I got on twitter and seen a pic of him and Mal boo'd up.. I felt so many different emotions. Fuck that somebody finna die. I ran in Les room, looked under the bed and grabbed Richard gun. Punched Les in her shit, took her car keys and went up to the school. I'm riding in the car.. crying. Every time I stop at a red light I sob. I'm so mad. How these mfs do this to me. Torren rapist ass knew Mal was my best friend and for Mal, bitch you knew how much Torren meant to me. I pull up at the school. I start talking to myself before I go in. "Alright bitch, just run in a lay everybody the fuck out" "nahhhhh no no nevermind don't do that V. THINK V THINK!!!" I didn't know what to do or how to approach the situation so I'm like "bitch, go in here and act normal, put these glasses on, put that gun in yo purse and ACT NORMAL" I get to the door of the school and the security asked to check my bag. "Bitch you ain't checking shit" I ran into the school ad hid for about 15 minutes until nobody could find me. I see Mal and Torren dancing. I instantly started crying. Fuck this SOMEBODY FINNA DIE. I pulled the gun out and cocked it back. I ran over to where Mal and Torren was dancing at. I did it, I shot Torren. But calm down I didn't kill the nigga but I did shoot his bitch ass in his knees. I wanted him to suffer. Mal tried to run and I grabbed that bitch by her hair and hit her in her nose with the gun.. broke her shit. Everybody screaming, running. The security got guns pointed at me. I don't know what to do. "If y'all let me go, nobody else will get hurt here.. just let me go" I had the gun pointed at everybody in that bitch I kept moving it around. Torren on the ground crawling tranna get away. They let me leave I ran out of the building, got in the car and I left. I'm driving home. I'm crying, scared, nervous.. I'm swerving all over in other lanes.. I'm going insane. I blacked out, ran the red light and BOOM... I ran dead smack into a semi truck. I'm sleep for bout 45 seconds and I hear. "Somebody help me, pls somebody help me my truck is tipped over and it's on fire" I'm in pain tranna get out of Les car and I look over, the whole semi truck was tipped over on fire. Guess who was in the semi truck? RICHARD ass. I went over to see what was wrong and he was stuck. I realized who it was and I started to chuckle. It was blood coming from my nose.. I felt so dizzy. It was no other cars in sight. I didn't know where my phone was. Then I thought to myself.. I asked him a question. "So you think I'm about to help you get out of this truck that's on fire when you raped me when I was only 7? You PARALYZED my mother and got all of her kids taken away from her.. you killed my moms best friend, out neighbor. You ruined my fucking life. Karma is A BITCH!! She come in all different forms shapes and sizes.. burn in Hell you fucking devil" I slowly walked away. Richard started to sob. "V I'm so sorry.. I'm -" the truck blew up. I'm running trying to find a car. No one was around. I'm walking in the middle of the street hoping a car would drive by. Finally. "Waitttttt stop pls help me" the car stopped and I get in.. guess who he driver was? "V.. Violet is that you??" "John!!!!!! Omg I haven't seen you in years!!" I missed my brothers so much. He asked me what had happened and I told him about how the family that adopted me was Paul's new family and how Paul changed his name.. I told him everything. I then told him how Torren and Mal betrayed me and how I did something so stupid. He asked how did I get go far and I told him that I drove Les car. I then told him I watched Paul die. He stopped the car and hugged me.. my brother hugged me so tight. I missed him. "Where's Craig?" "V I haven't talked to Craig every since the day we left the hospital with mom" "well have you talked to mommy?" He was silent for a few minutes. "Damn John answer me!!" "Yeah.. she in a crazy home" "well can you take me to see her??" He told me he'd take me to the hospital first to get checked out. I didn't tell john that I had aids. I was embarrassed. We got to the hospital to get me checked in. "Yes I'm her older brother.. I'm John Richardson." They let John check me in. They asked me what happened so I lied and told them that a car hit me and kept going. I couldn't tell them that it was all my fault because I was trying to get away after I shot somebody and ran a red light. I would've went to jail. They said that I had fractured all of my ribs on both sides and broken my ankle. They said they had to keep me. John stayed with me for days.. I didn't think about Torren. Fuck Paul, fuck Mal.. and fuck Les. I'm in the hospital for 3 weeks and John would come in and out staying with me. They told me they had to run more test to see if I was gettin better and when the results came back, the doctor said that I had improved a lot.. but I was pregnant. Nigga. I'm deadass confused af. Torren ole dumb rapist ass got me pregnant. I'm 15!! Can't even take care of myself wtf I'm gonna do with a baby? John got his jaw dropped.. I'm crying he tranna make me feel better. "Look V I'll help you, we gone get thru this." The doctors told me to just make sure I don't stress and stay healthy. I didn't know if I wanted to keep the baby or just handle the situation like a adult. I mean even tho I got raped.. the baby still didn't deserve to come into this fucked up ass family. But the baby also didn't deserve to die. We left the hospital and now it was time to go see mommy. I was shaking so bad on my way to see her. I still didn't even tell Torren I was pregnant nor did I tell Les. Torren was somewhere tranna heal tho I bussed that nigga in both of his knees. Fuck Torren. Anyways, we pulled up to the crazy home. It looked so depressing. We got inside and they took us to mommy room. She was the same ole lady. She was still in a blank stare but this time, when she realized who I was she finally smiled. Mommy hugged me. She hugged me so tight and we cried together. "I missed you so much Poopa I thought I'd never see you again." Me and mom caught up on a lot. She was so happy that Paul died. Shit I was happy. The only piece to our puzzle that we was missing was Craig.. he was no where to be found. It was finally time to leave from seeing mommy and go back to Les. Even tho Les was always good to me, I felt like she knew the type of guy that Paul was, so it was fuck her too. I got to Les house and I was getting ready to go inside I saw a ambulance truck pull up and it was for Les. Mike was there, he said the Les had fainted and she wouldn't wake up. I instantly thought "Aids" .. I kind of said it out loud. "What V" mike said. But I didnt repeat myself. Mike kept asking me did I know anything about what happened to mommy, but I could've been wrong so I kept my mouth closed. I didn't go to the hospital with Les, fuck Les & fuck Mike too. I went inside to freshen up. Then I called Torren. He didn't answer. I kept calling but no answer. I went weeks without talking to Torren, I didn't know where Mal was and Les was in the hospital.. Paul was dead.. well I thought until I'm in the house one night by myself and I heard the front door get kicked in.. "POOOOOOOOPPAAAA". Man I was scared af when I heard that door get kicked in. The only person that called me Poopa other than mommy was Paul nasty ass . But I could've sworn I just watched this nigga truck blow up with him in it. I'm bout confused as hell. I ran in my room and locked my door. This shit felt like a replay of everything that happened 8 years ago when I caught this nigga cheating on my moms. But this time, I hid under the bed.. dumb af ikr. This nigga knew where I had ran to. Y'all, this time.. he didn't kick the door down.. he shot thru my shit. Bullet hit my window. I'm crawling from under the bed, it's dark af I'm tranna get away. He turned the light on.. y'all it was Paul man. This nigga face was BURNT THE FUCK UP. I couldn't believe that shit dawg he looked fucked up. All the skin from around his eyes was gone nothing but eye balls.. his hair was burned off. I was scared af at this point. He couldn't see me, but I could see him, I'm under my computer desk scared af.. "You thought you killed me didn't you, you little bitch." .. he continued to say harsh shit to me. "I never liked you, I hated you because your mom loved you so much, I wanted your mom all to MYSELF!! SHE WAS MY WOMAN.. I'm gonna kill all of y'all one by one." Y'all I grabbed the cord from my computer, jumped on his back and started strangling this nigga. I called the cops and they came and took him to jail. They didn't want me to stay home alone, shit I didn't even wanna stay home alone.. so, they offered to let me stay in a hotel for free for a few nights. I packed my clothes and left the house. At this point I'm traumatized I didn't know what to do, couldn't even think straight. I didn't have shit but a laptop, shit I didn't even have a phone anymore from the accident. I spent months in this hotel because I was so afraid to go back home. I felt so bad and finally thought to go visit Les. I went up to the hospital that she was at and they told me they didn't have a "Leslie" they continued to ask me Leslie's last name and I told them it was "Hutton" which was "Richards" last name. They told me they didn't have a Leslie Hutton on file.. the only Leslie they had was a Leslie Gilmore!!!!!!! I fucking fainted. Gilmore is PAULS AUNT LAST NAME.. the aunt he killed.. my moms best friend. This nigga was married to his fucking cousin. It all made sense now.. Mike was ADOPTED!!! Just like me. I'm running to Les room. They got her hooked up to all these machines, she got a IV in her arm. Les was dying y'all. Other than mommy, Les is somebody that I can actually say tried to be in my life and care for me.. I was just so damaged that I pushed her away. I.. loved Les. Les was in a coma. She was on her death bed. I laid in the bed with her and cried. I seen a tear run down Les eye. I felt so bad. Les phone kept going off. It was mike. I read their previous conversations and she told Mike that she hated me and Mike told Les that he'd kill her for me. They said a lot of bad things about me so guess what I did. I pulled the plug on that bitch. Just when I thought Les was a good woman.. just when I thought she was my other mom. How could they all betray me. I felt dumb. Her machine started to beep and the doctors did not give a fuck. They put the cover over Les face and walked out. It's like they were hoping she died. Y'all.. I just killed Les, Paul in jail.. Torren knees busted, Mal nose fucked up.. mike ass was next. I left the hospital & went back to my room. I took some medicine & shit I was tired so I started dozing off, I'm sleep for about a hour or 2 so it's getting late. I hear a my room door start rattling & as I'm getting up for out of the bed someone came running into my hotel room y'all, they tackled me onto the floor. Luckily, it was Torren. He told me that he was on his way up here to make things right with me when Mike walked in the lobby and started shooting everybody. We was both lost af. "TORREN TELL ME WTF IS GOING ON" "V mike is looking for you!!" I knew he wanted to kill me but damn. He came in this bitch and started shooting everybody in his sight. My room was all the way on the 7th floor of the hotel. It was a 5 star one.. I called the police and they said they'd send help but Torren said he think that Mike would get up here fast. "Quick V, we gotta jump outta this window" "are you ducking crazy Torren we are on the 7th floor.. I'm pregnant I can't jump out of a fucking window" he stood in the window. I started to cry. He began to tell me how much he loved me and how strong I was. "RUN V, I don't care where you run to but just run and don't stop. Be strong for our baby boy or girl I know you'll be the best mom in the whole world. Don't ever give up on me.. forever us." Y'all he jumped. I just watched my baby father jumped out of a window and kill himself. I have to raise a baby all on my own.. he was coming to work things out why did he jump. I knew I didn't have time to sit and cry, shit Torren was dead . I grabbed all my shit and got on the elevator. Dumb af ikr. All the power in the whole entire hotel went out. The elevator was stuck. Mike was shooting at everything in this hotel tranna get to me. He knew how to handle his shit because he could see in the dark in this big ass 5 star hotel. Shit I was just hoping the police came before he caught my dumb ass. After being stuck in the elevator for about 30 minutes.. the elevator turned back on. And it went to the first floor. I hear sirens so I felt safe. I'm running out of the hotel tranna catch the police. They all are running in with their guns out. Mike was standing right before their eyes. He looked scary af.. his eyes were jet black and he wouldn't blink. He had the gun pointed under his neck. "DROP THE WEAPON" he didn't say anything. The police started shooting at Mike and he shot back until they killed him. So much has happened to me, Mommy in a crazy home, we can't find Craig, Paul in jail, I just pulled the plug on Les, I just watched mike get himself killed, & I watched Torren jump out of a window. These people were all I had, mommy is paralyzed for the rest of her life. My heart is hurting so bad right now. The only person that I have is John, I thank him for being here with me through thick and thin and he told me that he's going to help me take care of my baby & that me & my baby could stay with him, his wife, & his 2 kids. I was anxious to meet Johns family. I knew his kids were beautiful. I spent months sleeping on john couch. He made me feel at home. 6 months go by, y'all I'm big as hell but guess what.. it's my birthday. I had to go to the hospital first to check up on my baby girl, yes I'm having a girl!! John told me he'd take me to see mommy & then we'd go out to eat & he'd take me shopping. I was finally turning 16 y'all. It felt soooo good. When we got to see mommy, she saw my belly & started crying.. I didn't know if it was tears of joy or her seeing her little girl pregnant made her sick. "Is everything alright Momma?" "Poopa, my Poopa.. my little girl, I'm so proud of you. I know you'll be the best mom in the whole world. Use everything that I taught you." Mom was proud of me, I haven't heard anyone speak so good to me in a long time. It felt good. We left from seeing mommy & went out to eat. I never went to a restaurant in my whole life. When I was little mom could never afford it & living with Richard & Les, I was in the house all day every day. They had the money, just not the time. We went to Olive Garden. I didn't know what to order or how to order. But John helped me with all of that. He was a wonderful big brother & father. We left from out to eat & shopping & it was time to go home. "Thank you John, you are the best big brother ever" "no problem V, you know I'll always look out". We hugged & walked into the house. Their was mail sitting on the table but I paid no attention to it. I went upstairs to use the bathroom. "V, yo V quick come look at this" "what is it John I'm using the bathroom" "Yo v you got some mail" I was confused because no one knew where I lived at. "Go ahead & open it I'm on my way down". As I'm coming down the stairs, John is looking at me shaking his head. "FUCKKKKKKKKKKKK V" "John what is it!!" He day the letter down. It said the sender was anonymous. "I know where you live at & if you think you're gonna get away with what you did you got another thing coming, you & that baby is going to die". I'm so confused on who this was sending me mail to my brother house when didn't nobody know where I lived at. I didn't know what to do. I took the letter to the police and they told me they couldn't figure out who it was but if I got any more letters just bring them straight up there. 3 months go by.. I'm still getting letters, they're saying bad shit to me and about my daughter. I had went to driving school and got my license so John always let me drive his car to run around and handle business. I didn't have a job but I did get a check every month. Everybody convinced me that I was crazy. I didn't even have a baby shower because I didn't have anybody to come. I'm out at the grocery store grabbing me some snacks for the hospital.. my due date was in 4 days so the baby could come any time. John couldn't come to the store with me because him and his wife was at work. I'm in the store and my water break. I'm balled up trying to run to the car and drive myself to the hospital. I'm now in the parking lot y'all my baby was coming, my daughter was finally about to be born. I knew my kid would make me love again, I knew she'd love her mommy unconditionally.. if I didn't have anybody I had my daughter.. my baby girl. my vision is getting blurry and I sit on the ground in the middle of the parking lot I see a man approaching me. I'm trying to get up y'all but I just didn't have the strength. I finally pass out. I wake up in a hospital bed but my baby is out of my stomach and I don't see anybody I didn't even see my baby. The doctor come in the room. "Your baby is fine, how are you feeling?" The doctor told me I delivered the baby safe and nothing was wrong. "Where is my baby, I want to see my baby." "We'll get her for you in one second she's getting cleaned up." I called John and he came up to the hospital to see her. I named her "Viola". The name was so beautiful to me because my name was Violet. Even tho she would never get to meet her daddy, he was going to forever live thru her and be with her. I'm in the hospital for 3 days and they told me I could go home. John helped me gather everything and we went back to his house. John told me that he and his family found a new house and they were moving but he hired a nanny to live with me and Viola. Months go by and months go by.. my birthday passed, it was like a regular ole day because I had a baby and it was finally V first birthday. Of course we didn't do anything. But she was getting older.. V was a strong baby. I'm 17 with a 1 year old and I could finally say I was happy. The nanny, V, and I all decided to go out to the mall. When we got there we let V play at the kid section for a minute. I'm sitting at the parent part watching V and I get a phone call "I see you and your beautiful baby girl right here in the middle of the mall, give me the baby and you'll go free" I went to grab V but I couldn't find her. I broke down. He took my baby.

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