Murder she wrote

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The room was so little, it had a twin sized bed, a little.. nasty toilet, all of the windows were sealed shut, you couldn't see outside.. & he had 12 locks on the door from the outside. We had no clothes, food, water.. we had nothing. He came in the room, made us take all of our clothes off, & made us put on sleeping gowns, & he took my phone. Everyday for one thousand, four hundred & sixty days.. he'd bring us bread, milk, & water. That's all we ate. My daughter was now 5, I was 21. She still never really got to see what it was like to be a kid, to play outside. I had to teach her everything from numbers, to colors. The nanny helped me. I wonder what John thought.. did he think I was neglecting him? Did he think I had moved away? I felt bad because I couldn't tell him anything. Paul would come in & out of the room.. bring us food.. & leave. We seen him probably about twice a week. One day, Nanny & I decided that we wanted to kill Paul, actually watch him DIE this time.. & escape. Paul only came to see us on Mondays and Fridays. At the beginning & end of every week. We picked the perfect day to do what we were going to do. We planned everything out. At first we didn't know how we were going to kill Paul. We searched around the room for a lot of different things. The room was very little though, so we didn't have a lot of options. Nanny found a crow bar under the bed, I had found some jumper cables. We said that when he walked in the door, Nanny would be under the bed so that way she can put the jumper cables in front of the door to hold it open. Me & baby would pretend to be sleep, the lights would be off & id jump up & hit him in the head with the crow bar. We'd leave him in there & lock him inside. It was Sunday.. I knew because of my calendar that he gave me for my birthday every year. He also gave me a clock. Paul come every Monday & Friday at 11am. We all got prepared to do this on Sunday night. We practiced & kept practicing. It was time to go to bed. "Do not say a word ok?" My daughter wasn't that smart.. she didn't know too much so I knew she wouldn't be a problem. It was time. 10am, Monday morning. We kept practicing until 10:50. We laid down, it was time.. we heard him coming. I turned the lights off and I hear the locks moving. "Ok nanny, get ready". Paul walked in. Nanny put the cords by the door & I did it, I hit Paul. Nanny grabbed V, & she stood by the door. Paul didn't have anyone with him because he didn't know we planned on killing him. Nanny is holding V, crying. Me & Paul are tussling. I hit him again & he fall. We made a run for it. There I was.. I hit the ground. Paul had shot me, right in the back of my head. "Run nanny, get away.. show my baby girl that there is a worl-"
I laid there.. lifeless.

Violet is my favorite color Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz