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"Y/N's amazing and always supports me in whatever I do and I support her carreer as well. I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend, honestly." I smiled slightly at seeing Kylian's familiar face on the tv-screen. I had talked to him on the phone just before getting on the plane but it was nice to see his face again. It had been about two weeks now that we had been in each other's company and I missed him and his stupid jokes.

"But she's constantly away to play concerts with her band and you have to stay in Paris to train, does the distance not bother you?" Kylian crossed his arms and I knew he had to refrain himself from sighing and rolling his eyes. The woman wasn't the first reporter to ask this and she wouldn't be the last.

It was all a little ridiculous, really. We made up for the distance by facetiming or calling eachother whenever we could, and it wasn't like I was away all the time either. Sure, the calling and facetiming wasn't the same as seeing each other in real life and whenever I was away, I missed him a lot and longed to be in his arms again, but it was do-able. We were both used to not seeing our friends and family all the time and we made do with the time we got.

"Well we make it work. I don't understand why everybody thinks we won't. There are plenty of couples out there who have long distance relationships too, some even athletes like me. If they can do it, so can we." I saw Kylian get a little bit annoyed with the reporter and I couldn't help but smile. He always got so worked up whenever someone made a comment about our relationship. Lately, the comments had been more harsh than usual because of the fact that my band had announced that we would be doing a European tour. The media had immediately been all over it and instead of focusing on the tour, they were focusing on our relationship and the toll the tour would supposedly take on it. They also couldn't understand what a professional and succesfull athlete like him was doing with a "mediocre" rock star like me.

Well it was thanks to the fact that I am a "mediocre" rock star that I met him in the first place. My band and I were playing a little gig in Paris about a year ago -nothing too big, just a small treat for the fans- and he had attented with some of his friends. Afterwards, he'd come backstage to meet us and we had just clicked. The next few days, we had met up a few more times and then we exchanged numbers and it all went up from there. And the last year of my life had been the most amazing one so far, just because he was in it.

"You're both still young and unexperienced. People are just trying to look out for you-," Kylian interrupted the reporter then, the annoyance now clear on his face. I bit my lip to stop the laughter from escaping - Tom was sleeping in the chair behind me and he'd be annoyed if he was woken up before we landed. My band mate had never loved flying and always tried to sleep throughout the whole flight if he could.

"I'm sorry, I have to go." Kylian didn't even bother to respond to the reporter's objections and walked off somewhere, his shoulders tense and his back straight. I knew he'd receive some backlash for that but I understood where he was coming from. It was the same for me. Everytime we did an interview or something, our relationship was brought up and whilst we knew that something like this would happen when we made our relationship public and because of the fact that we both had succesful carreers, it was not fun to have to listen to people doubting our relationship when they didn't even know anything about it.

But I knew we could take the criticism, as long as we had each other. Because in the end, that's all that matters.

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