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When you saw Kylian keep on challenging the referee and pointing his finger at him, you sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. You had fought just before the game, about something so stupid but it had put him in a foul mood. There was this guy you used to be good friends with, who had started texting you again recently. Kylian insisted that he was interested in you and you denied it, of course. Then, he had the nerve to ask you to not answer the guy back and you had exploded in anger, yelling at him that he couldn't tell you what to do. That, in turn, had set him off as well and here you two were, still angry with each other but supposed to be focused on the football game that was going on. Kylian was normally quite good at turning anger into motivation but with him already challenging the ref this early in the game, you knew it wouldn't have a good ending for him.

"Stop it, Kylian." You muttered, watching as Kylian was still arguing with the referee. Neymar knew as well as you did that he needed to stop before he got sent off, which you knew would put Kylian in an even worse mood, so you were grateful when Neymar jogged over to calm Kylian down. You made a mental note to remember to thank him when the game was over.

He kept relatively quiet throughout the rest of the match, which you knew had been because of whatever Neymar had said to Kylian. It wasn't until stoppage time that he lashed out again. Kylian got tackled to the ground and you knew he'd have to ice his bruises after the game in order to avoid swelling. It didn't look pretty, but you were relieved that he wasn't severely injured. But the moment you saw him scramble back up and go over to the player that fouled him, you jumped up and gripped the railing in front of you. Kylian pushed the player to the ground and you groaned out loud in dismay, cursing silently at how much of an idiot he was being. You knew he'd get red for this, which meant he'd be in a foul mood until someone managed to calm him down. Normally, that would be you, but seeing as how you two were fighting before the game, you weren't sure if he wanted to be in your presence right now.

Still, you couldn't quite manage to keep sitting where you were as you saw Kylian walk of the pitch, shaking his head in disappointment and anger. You wanted to see for yourself if he was okay, even if he'd tell you to go away straight afterwards. That's why you decided to pay a quick visit to the PSG changing room, which should be empty for at least fifteen more minute as you knew that the boys would be thanking the traveling fans after the game. Making your way down to where you would be allowed entrance to the players' changing rooms, you flashed the badge that Kylian had gotten you and after that, it didn't take you very long to locate the room where the PSG boys were supposed to be changing their clothes - well, one of the security guys had to help you but still.

"Kylian?" You opened the door, sticking your head through the small gap to see where exactly he was. You didn't see anything, but you heard one of the showers running, before abruptly being cut off. Moving into the dressing room, you heard some shuffling from the shower area as your boyfriend appeared in the doorway with a towel around his waist. You had to refrain from biting your lip at the sight, knowing that now wasn't the time and that he was still pissed off at you just by the look on his face.

"What are you doing here?! I thought you'd be long gone by now." Kylian said, moving forwards towards his seat to pick up something to wear. You glanced down towards the ground a bit guiltily, not having considered he might have taken the words you said earlier seriously. Earlier, you had threatened to leave immediately unless he stopped being so goddamn jealous over nothing. Of course, that didn't go over very well, and it had ended with you storming off quite angrily.

"I wanted to check on you, see if you were okay."

"Check on me?" Kylian asked, loosening the towel around his waist so that it dropped to the ground and pulling on a pair of clean boxers and a fresh pair of sweatpants. He didn't care that you were in the room with him whilst he was changing, because you were used to the sight of him being naked whenever he slept over at your place.

Kylian Mbappé imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now