you are my only one | tyrelliot

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A/N: Hello, and welcome! Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated, since I'm still a new writer. This is a highschool AU. Shout-out to my sister (Sqishy_V) for editing this! The title to this comes from All Time Low's song, "My Only One". Enjoy!

I can't believe I hang out with these people sometimes. All they do is get high or drunk, have sex, stay on the verge of trouble, rebel against their parents, typical things highschoolers do. Then there's me: the one friend that somehow stays out of trouble.

Maybe I just stick around for Angela and Darlene. Darlene is my little sister, and Angela is one of my only friends. Both of them mean the world to me. It would kill me if one of them got hurt - or worse. I feel like it's my duty to protect them from this cruel world.

So, here I am, at a party in one of Angela's friend's basement. It's not very extravagant, considering the location and crowd of only 30-40 people, which is small compared to other parties. I stand with my back against the wall, holding a glass of water, just looking at the crowd. I'm here to watch after Darlene and Angela, so I have to stay sober. It's a miracle I haven't had an anxiety attack yet.

As I'm looking out at the crowd, my eyes land on Angela. She's talking to a tall, thin guy with dark brown hair. Angela has been talking about him a lot lately. I believe his name is either Oliver or Ollie. He and I aren't close. He's ignorant. His password is 123456Seven. He can never take a hint when I try to get away from him. He has a bad habit of being unfaithful to his partners. I know he's cheating on his current girlfriend and Angela, right now. That means he could possibly cheat on Angela, too. I don't trust him.

I look down at my drink and sigh. Why can't I have fun at social gatherings like everyone else? Why do I have to be the one with social anxiety? I just ruin everyone's fun. I ruined Darlene's birthday last year by having an awful anxiety attack. I can't believe she will still call me her brother willingly.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see someone lean back in the wall to my right. Their cologne is strong and familiar. I get a better glimpse of them and notice that they're tall, thin, pale and have blonde hair.

It's Tyrell Wellick. He's the type of guy that girls - and some guys - would swoon over. He and I know each other quite well, considering he transferred to New York from Sweden just a year ago. He and I have algebra and computer literacy together. He's the only guy in school that wears expensive cologne. All the other guy's wear cologne that makes my eyes burn and irritates my throat. He always smells of musk, but it's pleasant.

I do have to admit that, even though we don't hang out all of the time, I feel more than just brotherly love for him. There's something more. There has to be. Every time he walks past me in class, my heart races. My stomach becomes fluttery. I just want him to stay around me forever. I want him to hold me, comfort me, treat me like I'm the only one that matters. Sometimes I fear I'm like this just because of my mental illnesses, but tonight I'm not going to worry about it. It's time to live my own life for once.

I finally stand up straight and look at him with a new surge of confidence. He's at least five inches taller than me. He intimidates me, but in a good way. Usually it's a bad kind of intimidation. Tonight, though, I enjoy his dominant aura.

"Bonsoir, Elliot," Tyrell says will a smile.

"Hi..." I reply, feeling my face heat up slightly. So much for that confidence I felt earlier.

"Enjoying the party?"

Damn, his voice is smooth and perfect. "I guess..."

"You don't sound very sure of yourself." He takes a drink of whatever he has in the cup he's holding.

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