"It's that boy again," one of the women poorly whispered when noticing Kakashi.

Minato looked down at Kakashi and hated Kakashi's reaction to the woman's words. Kakashi's eyes were blank as he stared ahead, still walking close to his Sensei. Although the little Hatake's body posture looked relaxed and uncaring, Minato could see the outline of Kakashi's knuckles where his hands were clutching the fabric of the inside of his pockets.

"It's his fault we're in this war," the other woman stated in a hushed tone to her companion sending a heated glare at the young Hatake.

"Yeah, he's nothing but a disgrace to our village," the first woman hissed looking at a boy in disguise.

"Typical, for a bastard's son," the second women added with a disappointed sigh.

"Hey! Will you both just shut up!" Obito yelled angrily, at the two women who were startled by the sudden outburst.

"How, rube!" The second woman shrieked angrily at the young Uchiha.

The civilian women looked at Minato, expecting the Jonin-sensei to scold the young Uchiha. Instead, Minato gently ruffled Obito's black locks giving the boy a warm reassuring smile, before looking up at the two women with a smug look like 'what are you going to do about it' with a wide grin. Then before the women could say anything, Minato places his right hand between Kakashi shoulders carefully guiding the nine-year-old along the frozen slushie path with Obito and Rin following close behind.

"Are you okay, Kakashi?" Rin asked in concern for their youngest teammate.

Kakashi slightly nodded and softly added, "I'm used to it."

Minato could feel his heart breaking he wants to help Kakashi so much, but he didn't know what to do that he hasn't already done. So, the blond decided to get his team to his house as quickly as possible. Minato silently thanked whatever God there was because the group didn't come across anyone else on the rest of the way to the blonde's house.

Upon entering the Namikaze's house, Kushina came and greeted each the team member with a hug. When Kushina hugged Kakashi, she noticed how the boy tensed at touch even though she was moving slower than usual. Then the Uzumaki stated that dinner was ready when the team entered the kitchen to see the mini feast that Kushina has prepared for them. The sensei and students looked at the redhead waiting for an explanation, and Kushina only defense was that she didn't know what everyone wanted. Before adding that there a pot of miso soup with eggplant on the stove as she gave a wink at Kakashi.

"Well, dig in everyone!" Kushina beamed happily as everyone sat around the table after dishes were set and filled. Kushina made sure put a little bit extra on Kakashi's plate while Minato distracted the boy, by talking about future missions.

"Thank you for the food," the young students replied respectfully.

"Wow, Kushina this is amazing!" Rin exclaimed happily after taking her first bite of Kushina's homemade gyoza.

"Yeah, you're a really good cook!" Obito agreed loudly still chewing a mouth full of teriyaki salmon and rice.

"Thank you please help yourselves as much as you want!" Kushina replied with a wide grin and a small blush. Before cheerfully adding, "there's plenty for everyone, ya know!"

Unlike the other two, Kakashi removes his mask and cautiously sniffs the food before hesitantly eats a piece of sushi and silently nodding in agreement with his teammates. After finishing, Kakashi does the same thing before slowly eating a spoonful of miso soup. As the silver nin continued this process every few bits or when trying something new. Minato and Kushina quietly realize that Kakashi was checking the food for poison.

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