When you have your first period

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You are the age of 11. This is a sensitive chapter. Reader discretion advised ❤

Your POV
My name is (Y/N) (L/N) and I am number (F/N). I am part of Sector V of Kids Next Door or KND for short. My friends are Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. I quickly got accostumed to their regulations and gadgets. I started to have feelings for Number 1 aka Nigel Uno. He is British, bald, wears his iconic black sunglasses, and has a stern attitude. Nigel always has been there for his fellow operatives and myself. He was a bit wary of keeping me on the team, but eventually he warmed up to me. One day, however, everything began to change for me.

Present day
I walked to the bathroom in the tree house on a early Saturday morning. Nothing new was going on nor any missions. I went to pull down my pants when I noticed a funny smell. The smell was fishy yet iron-like. I ignored it and pulled down my pants. The sight was horrifying. My panties were stained with blood and I couldn't believe my eyes.

I tried so hard not to scream as the walls are very thin and if I did scream, everybody in the tree house will freak. I took a few breaths in and out before hearing a knock. "Come on Number (F/N)! I gotta pee!", Number 4 aka Wallabee Beetles shouted. I quickly went out of the bathroom and ran down to outside the treehouse.

I ran back to my house before running into Number 1. "Oh hello there number (F/N)", He said in that amazing British accent. I blushed before I ran inside my house. "(Y/N)?! (Y/N)?! Wait!" I began to cry as I headed into my bathroom to change out of my bloodied pants and panties and put on a pad/tampon. My mom had once told me about becoming a woman and developed the first sign of changing: Menstrual Cycles. Number 1 banged on the door. "(Y/N) open up! Its me Number 1". I slowly opened the door. His expression turned from serious to concern.

"(Y/N)? What happened?" I shook my head. "I can't tell you. You might decommission me." I was about to head to my bedroom when Nigel grabbed my hand. "Now hold on a moment, tell me everything. That's an order number (F/N)". My eyes began to water as I lead him to my bedroom. "Number 1, I began to leak." Number 1 blushed. "You peed yourself?" "No, I leaked blood on my panties." Number 1 sprung up.

"Well why didn't you tell me?! We gotta get you to a hospital!" I stood up with slight cramps hurting my sides. "No! No hospital!" "But, you said you were bleeding." I shook my head again. "I'm growing up Number 1. I have started the adult female progress. Having a menstrual cycle." Number 1 was confused. "What does a bicycle have to do with bleeding?" I facepalmed as I showed him a book about the process of becoming an adult.

"So your telling me that females bleeding down there is normal?", Number 1 asked me. I nodded as we finished reading the book. "Please don't decommission me." Number 1 held me close, causing me to blush. "I won't let that happen. This is a delicate yet private matter (Y/N). You need to rest and get through this process. I'll let the others know you are ill." I blushed pink and hugged Number 1. "Thank you so much for this, Number 1." "Oh please, call me Nigel when we aren't on missions or in the treehouse." I nodded as he hugged me back.

"But, what if the others find out?" Nigel got up from my bed. "Then we will have to explain to them eventually. Just because your body is growing through becoming an *shudder* adult, doesn't change that fact that you are still part of the team until you are 13 years old." I smiled as we hugged one more time. "Now come on, let us go back to the tree house and make you some ice cream." We walked together hand in hand as we got to the tree house.

"There you two are!", Number 5 aka Abigail Lincoln said, "Where have you two been?" I became worried before Number 1 spoke up. "We were securing the perimeter of Number (F/N)'s house. It is secured from any intruders. Everybody shrugged and went back to whatever they were doing. Number 1 got me some ice cream to help the cramps and cravings. I blushed at him as he gave me the bowl. "Now don't worry about the others this is between us, okay?" I nodded at Number 1. Maybe going through this process isn't so bad.

Codename Kids Next Door, Numbuh 1(Nigel Uno) x Reader ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now