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"So, Hyunwoo's birthday is coming up and I need you to ask him for me what types of things he likes!" Kihyun said, writing down a whole list of ideas in his notepad.

"But he's your boyfriend, not mine!" Hoseok said.

"Yeah I know, but I don't want to make it obvious!"

"Whatever, I need to go to work!" Hoseok got out of the chair he was sitting in and quickly grabbed his bag.

Kihyun stood in front of the boy, blocking the door.

"Promise me you'll do it!" Kihyun said, sticking out his pinkie.

Annoyed, Hoseok connected his pinkie with the youngers and left.

On his way to the elevator, he saw a tall slim man in a suit run down the hall. He had brown hair and had a perfect complexion. His hair was slicked back but his tie was loose.

"Shit! Five minutes" he cursed to himself and stood in front of the elevator, pressing the button aggressively.

Hoseok stood there watching the man. The man finally gave up and looked up from the button. He turned to see Hoseok staring at him.

"Hello!" Hoseok said cheerfully.

The man's eyes widened and his cheeks turned red. He quickly looked down at his shoes and quietly replied to Hoseok.

Before Hoseok can say anything else, the elevator door opened.

As the men walked in, they both reached for the lobby button. Their hands touching, Hoseok looked up at the tall man, who was blushing again.

"I'm sorry!" Hoseok said with a smile.

"Uh...it's okay" the man said quietly again.

When the elevator door finally opened, the man ran out as if someone was chasing him. Hoseok skipped out the building, watching the man run to his car and drive off.

It was til then that Hoseok remembered seeing him. He usually came into the candy shop Hoseok worked at with his little nephew. But he remembered that everytime they would make eye contact, the man would look down, hiding the fact that he was blushing.

Hoseok always questioned why the man would blush everytime they seen each other. He wondered if he liked him. No man has ever liked Hoseok- although there was that one time Jooheon convinced him that Minhyuk liked him, but that was a lie.

"Shin Hoseok! You better get across the street or else you'll be late and I'm gonna have to fire you!" his boss screamed out, interrupting Hoseok's thoughts.

"I'm so sorry!" And with that, he ran across the street to finally start his shift.


"Alright, I'm leaving!" one of Hoseok's co-workers said.

"Same here" another said. "That means you close up, Hoseok"


Ten minutes passed and Hoseok was done tidying up his workplace before grabbing his jacket and the keys to lock the door.

He went to flip the open sign to close when the man he saw earlier ran to the door.

"Please let me buy something! It's for my nephew! I promise it would be quick!"

The man's hair was no longer slicked back, it was more on the messy side. His tie was much more loose than before and at least 3 of his buttons on his shirt was unbuttoned.

"But we're closing" Hoseok said, not knowing what to do.

His boss always told him that if you're closing and a customer comes, you'll have to ask them to leave. It was better that way since he didn't want to draw attention to more people coming, thinking that the shop was still open.

"Please! I'm begging you! My little nephew, he's in the hospital! Please!" the man begged.

Hoseok let the man in since he was a very sympathetic person.

"Thank you so much!" the man smiled, then blushed.

He quickly bought the candy he needed and ran out.

"Thank you!" He said as he ran away.

Hoseok knew he was blushing. And, he found himself blushing too.



appy New Year 2019!!! 😘😘

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