Chapter 11

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Neela ma opened the door. When avni wipes all her tear smiling at her. But..but she is a her mother. She is well know about Avni. Avni try to hide her pain.

"No..avni...please cry...pour all your anger, frustation, pain, and what not...pour it now..pour it out" neela ma voice is no longer sweet

She buried her face on her hand crying. Neela ma watches her.

"Maa when we are going from here " she said slowly

"Tomorrow...i made all arrangements" she said

"Avni..i am very sorry to say this...but you loosed him" she said and left

In Morning

Neela ma was waiting in cafe.

"Maa..." the voice came from behind.

She turned to saw. Yup its none another than Neil.


When Neil gave a last look to Neela ma and started to move. Suddenly Neela ma grabbed his hand and gave him a letter. And ask him to keep quiet cause avni is hearing. She said by her action. . Neil slowly went out and opened the letter

Meet me at city cafe at 11am

Flashback ends

"Maa tell me what happend to her...why she is doing like this
..really she hates me? don't know ma how i suffered without her...when i came here all are saying she is dead..and i was shocked hearing all these stuffs..i found her everywhere...everywhere... her memories...her memories is the only hope i promise which made me to live.."

"Neil...i can understand"

"Maa what happened to her?"

" lot happened Neil..lot...the things we haven't dreamt off....that one incident that changed her whole life..and now my avni..been a room girl" her words made Neil utter shock.


After Neil went avni started her asusual work. She had immense faith that he will shown up. She knows that he won't broke his promise. And she always smile feeling her forhead with sindhoor.

After he went he was replaced by another police officer named Vidyut.

The police force again asked help from avni for a sketch.

"Excuse me.." when vidyut turned and was stunned by her beauty. He continously gazing at her which made her uncomfortable.

"Yeah miss. Avni?"


"please take your seat" he said while she sat infront of him. And he started to explain about the case. He looks her in immoral way.

Vidyut's pov

Waah what a beauty...ohh god can't took off my eyes from her. Ufff...the moles on her upper lip. Herr doe eyes. And her long beautiful hair...Awwwww. what if i make her as mine

Pov ends

Avni involved in this case. And she was like going and coming for the case which made him advantage. He knows that Neil loves Avni.

One day avni got a call which made her shock.

"What? no no...this can't neil"

"I am sorry to say....3 member were died in that mission including Neil and their body came..can you please come?" Said Vidyut

"😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭" she cried out loud

She put off her phone and started to the address which he told.

"Neil....Neil....vidyut..." she shouted.

While someone touched her shoulder. She turned around and saw Vidyut.


"Avni...he...he..." he started his drama and started smiling which made her shock.

"Waah waah Miss. Avni mehta...this much love?...oops but whatever i said is not true" he said.

Avni shooked his collar "how dare dare you "

While he touched her. And hold arms.

"Leave me...leave me" she shouted while he pinned her against the  walls.

"Don't shout one can come for help"

"Vidyut please leave me...i will do whatever you want"

"Oops...if i leave you...then how i will get what i want..." he said nuzling her neck. Avni tried her best to escape from him. He got annoyed by her and he took a injection with drugs. And inserted on her.

He throw her in the bed. And hovered her while the drugs affected her badly which made her not in her sense. And she started responding to his action.

"You are mine only mine" these words hitted her ears which tears falling down her cheeks. She was fighting against the drug and gaining her sense. He traces her face with his which she again remainces of Neil's action. She pushed him and got up while her head is spinning around. He again pulled her and sanwiched her between him and the wall.  he got much angry. Now his grip was tigtened and he started to behave roughly

"Vidyut...please leave me..." her voice came low due to the drugs while he was busy with her neck


Hola guys!

Happy sunday!

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Much love


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