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“Queenless King”

I am known as the bad boy king, don’t need reason
Not because all I do is to cause commotions
Some calls me womanizer, they’re clueless
I don’t care, I’m queenless.

Suddenly, my world turned upside down
When I accidentally stepped on a forbidden ground
A girl, so mean, I can see her wearing a crown
Well, she’s so cute as she rolls her eyes and frown.

For a million times, I tried to catch her attention
But she always replies on exasperation
I don’t know why, but I didn’t stop
She gave me a reason to not give up.

I follow her wherever she goes, whatever she does
I don’t know what’s happening with my crazy ass
I know she feels my presence
So I just need more patience.

Damn, she’s so hard to get, but I can’t lose her
No one must get near nor touch her
If someone dares, then a battle will begin
‘Cause I’ll do anything to win my queen.

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