Chapter # 4 Things might be looking up

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Picture of how Stella looks played by Jessica Green above. 

Before i drifted off to sleep i made sure to call Gabe. I reached for the little piece of paper he handed me that first day we met in the studio. Sounds crazy but i never really texted the guy ever let alone call him. I'm glad i didn't throw the paper away. 

I typed in the number and saved it on to my cell phone. Then i quickly dialed his number and waited for him to pick up the call. 

It rang twice and the Gabe spoke. 

"Hey, Stella did you get home alright? I should have driven you home instead. Did the paparazzi follow you? Did they bother you at all when you got home. I know that the last couple of days have been a little overwhelming with me and the paparazzi and after what just happened earlier on with on of them. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to see me for a couple of days- i cut Gabe off before he could continue rambling. 

"Gabe...I'm okay really. You don't have to worry about me. I can take care of myself you know. Sure the paparazzi are annoying me and that freak who we encountered completely took me off guard, but i'm alright now. Really." i reassured him. 

The line was silent for several seconds before Gabe spoke up again fro the other end.

"Yeah, i guess your right. It's just makes me so angry just knowing that, that guy just happened to Walt's right into the building like if it was nothing. Even if the door was unlocked that's still considered breaking and entering. To top it all of i can't even grasp the concept of him being in the same room with you while you were completely vulnerable and unaware of his presences it just makes me so, so furious. I'm sorry if i freaked out on you when you called me. i just couldn't deal with the fact of anything happening to you on my watch you know. I couldn't bare to watch any harm come to any girl. Especially one as kind and funny as you.", Gabe said. 

I was shocked. Didn't this kid have a girlfriend. Or maybe i was just overreacting. I mean he did just mention he couldn't bare having anything happen to any girl. Yet he called me kind an funny. We've only been hanging for almost about a month now and we've only went out to eat and just always seemed to meet up at the studio. 

"Wow Gabe your so sweet.", i said as i giggled into the phone. 

Gabe laughed as well.

"Hey, did you get a chance to talk to Alex?", i asked. I couldn't help but wonder what she would think of those new pictures of me and Gabe. 

"Not yet. I will soon though. It's to late right now for me to call her. I wouldn't want to wake her in the middle of the night, but she'll understand as soon as i tell her. Alex has always been understanding. She always surprises me. I always expect her to have a melt down because of all the paparazzi and attention i've attracted. We've been kind of distant latly since i began doing shows with the band. I guess it's already getting to her so i just give her, her space. To be honest i don't think she's putting in the effort into our relationship. Makes me wonder if me and her were meant to be....Anyways uh.... I gotta get some sleep. I gotta head over to the recording studio in the morning and later catch up with Alex and explain what went down tonight. I'll see you at the studio later tonight. Try to get some sleep alright. Goodnight stella.", Gabe said. I hardly had time to bid him goodnight because he quickly hung up right after that.

I took my covers and firmly covered myself with them. It was hard to fall asleep after everything that jst happened. Is it bad of m to think that i might have a chance with Gabe since alex was acting all distant and what not. I mean i don't wish for them to breakup or anything. I'm not that bad of a person to wish upon people the worst. Although i'd love to maybe have somthing happen with Gabe i know better and i wouldn't be so selfish just to go and bud between to people and their relationship with one another. 

I slowly stared up at  my ceiling as i dozed off thinking of Gabe and the what if's and what life could possibly have in store for us for the course of the next couple of weeks before he headed out to tour across thee country with his bandmates. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2014 ⏰

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