Chapter # 2 Accidental run into...or maybe not

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Picture of Gabe and his perfection & a quick video of him rapping at the top of the chapter! 

Several days went by. They went by slowly. I felt as if iwas in a daze. I coundn't bring myself to stop thinking about Gabe and his perfectly structured jaw line and his blonde stip of hair that settled between his perfectly cutt and styled dark brown hair on his pretty head of his.. His eyes would appear to me while i slept every single night as I would lay in bed. He was just always on my mind ever since i talked to him that one moment in the studio. Meeting him has changed me in a way. I guess you could say that i've fallen for him. 

As i was making my way out of the studio after practice and was heading towards my car i happened to accidently bump into someone and dropped my things. I bent down to grab them just as the person  bumped into did the same. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there", i said grabbing things quickly off the floor and dumping them into my bag. The person i bumped into spoke up as he handed me my things so i could put them in my bag as well. 

"It's alright. I'm never really watching were i'm heading most of the time so it's not your fault.", Gabe said. 

I looked at him surpised to see it was actually him. He smiled at me as we got up and dusted ourselves off. 

"What are you doing here?", i asked a little annoyed that he just happend to be heading to the studio at this time at night. I was always the last to leave so i had the privilage of having a copy of the keys to the dance studio so i could lock up once i left. 

"Uh, this is gonna sound a little weird to you, but uh i got a hold of my.. i mean your teacher and asked if i could come in some nights to practice and get a feel of being back in the studio. Even if it's just for a little while till me and the boys leave for our tour in a couple of weeks. Anyways she told me i might run into you here. Said something about you having a key.", he said as he looked at the studios front door and back at me for conformation i suppose. 

I looked at him just a litle uncertain as to why he was actually here. This guy didn't need any practice. He was a professional dancer. If he wanted to he could teach a class and even open up his own dance studio. 

"Yeah, I do have a spare key, but i was just leaving.", i said as i made my way around him. 

He followed me out to my car. I turned around and gave him a glare. 

"Is there something you need? I really need to get home. It's been a long day and i'd really love to get home to my shower and my sweet, sweet and soft bed. Now if you will excuse me.", i finished and began to dig for my car heys in my bag. 

"Listen i don't know why you seem to hate me, but i just wanted to be able to come to the studio and take some time off from always being so caught up in my career. Dancing is the only thing that seems to do it for me. It clears my mind and allows me to blow off steam. So if you could be a little bit more considerate of others around you. I'm just asking for a bit of time in the studio. I'm not asking you to blow it up or anything like that.", he quickly said as he closed the space betwen us and was standing just inches from me and blocking the way to the door of my car. 

I was shocked. This kids had guts to talk to me the way he was right now. Usually people tried to ignore me because i was to stubborn. 

"Alright, alright just keep your pants on please and for the record i don't hate you." i said as i began to make my way back to the studios front door. 

"Okay", he mumbled a few feet behind me. 

I opend the door to the studio stepped inside and turned on the bright white floresnt lights and made way in before allowing for him to step in behind me. As soon as he did i quickly locked the door.

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