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Then recently,
I saw my sister
started to read..?

"What's that?"

She looks at me casually,


I questioned her.

"What's that?"

"Something like a book
inside your phone I guess.
There's a lot of stories there.
Including your favourite animes."

I became interested.
I downloaded it.

Looking for anime.

First thing to come up was,
a certain idol anime.

Found a story,
crossover of two idol anime.

I'm interested!

But it ended half way.

So I decided to make
my own story with
the same idea.

Quite different,
but still.

A lot of people
came by to read and vote..

It makes me happy.

I admit,
it's a weird story,
a rip off.

My grammars' a mess too.

But no one pointed that out.

So I continued.

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