Ask 1: Realtionship Status

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HG: OUR FIRST ASK! @AwkwardPerson333 asks Zane, are you in a relationship/crush on someone?

HG: This requires Zane here, soooo, *summons Zane*

Zane: *appears* Where am I?!

HG:Here to answer and ask from Awkward Person, they want to know if your dating someone and if not do you have a crush?

Zane: Why do they need to know?! It's non of their business!!

Travis:*appears out of nowhere* Zane and I are in a relationship, *hugs him from behind* you don't have to be so defensive about it Cupcake.

Zane: Well the whole world doesn't need to know. It really wasn't any of their business...

Travis: Still it's nice to answer if they ask. Will you answer their questions if they ask, for me at least? *puppy eyes*

Zane: Ugh! Fine I'll answer any of the questions anyone asks. UNLESS, it's too personal.

Travis: Yay!

HG:Aw you guys are too cute!! Welp that's all we have for now!

Remember leave an ask/truth or dare for any of the characters or me!
I'll see you later!

HG out!

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